Ahhh… The joy of Italian cuisine. When most people think of delicious Italian food, dishes that often come to mind include pasta and pizza. But what really gives Italian food its flair are the essential herbs used in Italian cooking. To make sure you have the right ingredients, here are 7 herbs that are essential to have in your Italian herb garden:

Basil – What would the world be like without Basil? Basil is not only used in Italian cooking, but it can also be found in various Asian cuisines. It is best known as the main flavor of Pesto, ideal for flavoring pasta or as a spread or marinade.

Basic Pesto Recipe


2 cups packed fresh basil leaves

1/2 cup grated Parmesan or Romano cheese

1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil

1/3 cup of pine nuts

3 garlic cloves

1/2 teaspoon sea salt

Juice of 1/2 lemon


Place all ingredients in a food processor and pulse until well blended. Be sure to scrape down the sides of the food processor with a rubber spatula in case any of the ingredients stick to the side and won’t mix.

Oregano – Oregano is most commonly used in southern Italy and can almost always be found in tomato-based sauces. In fact, it’s the main flavoring agent in pizza sauce, aside from the tomatoes, of course.

Marjoram – People commonly confuse marjoram and oregano, which is not surprising because they are related and taste similar. Marjoram has a more delicate and floral flavor, while oregano is more spicy. Due to the delicate flavor of marjoram, it is not suitable for drying. But it’s great fresh anyway, like most herbs.

Rosemary – Rosemary is a very strong herb and has a very strong flavor and aroma. It grows well in dry, warm, and shady areas. Due to its strong flavor, it is an excellent flavoring agent for meats, potatoes, and bread.

Parsley – When people think of parsley, they usually associate it with a bad garnish in a cheap restaurant. That type of parsley is curly leaf parsley. Curly-leaf parsley is best used dry and only if you don’t plan on using fresh flat-leaf parsley. Flat-leaf parsley is best used fresh, but it does not retain its flavor well when dried.

“But what is this for anyway?” I’m sure you’re asking. Flat-leaf parsley is found throughout Italy and is used in many common dishes and sauces. It is an essential part of any Italian herb garden.

Sage – Sage is one of the most used herbs in Northern Italian cooking. Due to its distinctive strong flavor, it is best used sparingly. Sage is best used when mixed with other herbs and spices rather than used as the primary flavoring agent.

thyme – Thyme is an herb that is normally used to cook meat. It is a hardy plant that can easily grow in various conditions. It is a very versatile herb and is excellent in almost any Italian dish. Except maybe ice cream. I don’t think thyme flavored ice cream will last long in grocery stores, or in my mouth.

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