Arts Entertainments

The intersection of "The Jam Part I – A History of Rock and Roll" Work of pointillism and motorcycle

The home of Canadian pen and ink artist Michael Keirstead has echoed a rhythmic ratta-at-tat for most of the past two decades; the delicate tapping succumbing to the occasional chrome four-stroke roar from the garage. Naturally, the neighbors appreciated the substantial musical accompaniment and the constant murmur of conversations and laughter from the ever-present family and friends!In this house, everyone

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Arts Entertainments

Irish Music in Canada: Cape Spear, Newfoundland Songs & Stories by the Harrington Brothers

This is the story of 'Cape Spear', a collection of Irish and Newfoundland songs and stories, telling stories of this wonderful and warm Canadian seafaring community and their heritage.When long-time Canadian resident Patrick Sullivan visited Cape Spear on a sunny afternoon in 2006, a warm sea breeze and the vast blue expanse of the Atlantic Ocean evoked old feelings of

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Arts Entertainments

How to become a black male model

For many years, the world of modeling has been saturated with beautiful and slim female models. Male models have received less attention, although most of them have been of Caucasian descent. The search and demand for black male models is on the rise and most designers prefer darker skin to show off their brands. If you've ever wanted to become

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Arts Entertainments

What constitution of five elements is your pet?

The Chinese developed the theory of the five elements more than 3,000 years ago. The theories of Yin / Yang and the five elements are two of the most important principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Theories evolved as the ancient Chinese observed the changing dynamics of their natural environment. They observed that a similar dynamic existed between the natural world

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Arts Entertainments

Dating a country man

As hard as it is to believe, there are women who do not know the joys of having doors opened to them. Dance the Boot-Scooting Boogie or spend the night watching shooting stars at the old deer stall with a warm, strong man. The following list is for them.1. Girls grow up in love with horses ... most of them,

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Arts Entertainments

Why the Second Chance Spell Card Works

Tea second chance letter it is being used with incredible success by people all over the world. Relationships once thought to be lost have been rekindled and are now on stronger foundations than ever.But why exactly does it work?Well, initially the goal of the letter is to tell your lost love that you are completely fine with the breakup, as

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