
a crazy mom

There are too many people in this world hoping to make a quick buck by putting up a "puppies for sale" sign. Unfortunately, there is a market for puppies all the time, so it's almost like an addiction; they are lucky selling a litter so they are in a hurry to have a second one and so on. When puppies

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Teacup Breeds: Are They Real?

There are so many breeders selling so-called teacup dogs, but are they really the size of a teacup? Teacup dogs are dogs that are small enough to fit into a teacup, thus giving rise to the name. They are being raised smaller and smaller, because it is believed that this is what people want. Puppies intentionally shrunk in size to

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Do the puppies feel separation anxiety when you leave?

Prevention of puppy separation anxiety can begin before your dog is adopted. Normally, you should wait until your pup has been completely weaned from the mother. This will normally occur at about two months of age. Her pup should then begin to have some level of independence from her mother. A puppy that is carried earlier may experience separation anxiety

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Keeping your adorable beagle puppy healthy

I would be lying if I said that beagle puppies are ugly. To me, it's probably one of the most lovable dog breeds I've ever seen. However, you should think twice before deciding that you want to adopt a beagle puppy. It's not easy to care for a beagle puppy, especially when it comes to keeping it healthy. There are

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What breed should I choose?

The breed of a puppy or dog really speaks to the characteristics and behavioral aspects that are expected. There are seven groups of standard breeds, all with their own special traits and personalities. These seven groups are assigned by the American Kennel Club (AKC). Not all breeds are recognized by this organization as it has a guiding set of qualification

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The secret to finding a good dwarf hamster breeder

If you're interested in adopting a dwarf hamster, it's a good idea to find an established dwarf hamster breeder. A good breeder may sell you a better quality dwarf hamster than the one you can find from his friend down the street who bred him by mistake, for example. When looking for a breeder, you can find many in your

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Is a Maltese the perfect dog for you?

Originally from the Mediterranean area, these little dogs, with long, silky white hair, seem to float, rather than walk across a room. Believed to have gained their popularity with European royalty after the Crusades, the Maltese were kept as companions and sometimes bed warmers! There is nothing cuter than a Maltese puppy! They look like tiny chubby snow creatures. With

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