Dogs bite. Scottish terriers bite. It is without a doubt one of the worst behavior problems a dog can have.

The stories that owners tell about Scottie Terriers that bite show so many different situations that one could easily write an encyclopedia about.

There was the owner of a Scotsman who got bitten on his shoes, hands and ankles every time he tried to leave for work. Another Scotsman simply nipped at a small child who was playing with a ball for no apparent reason. Then there’s this mischievous little guy who started acting aggressive to the point of biting whenever his owner tried to correct bad behavior. Other energetic Scottie Terriers run around the house at high speed and bite anyone who makes a move to stop them.

But why do they bite?

Good question. The first step to controlling your Scottish terrier’s biting habit is to understand the reasons why he started biting and continues to bite.

As with chewing, biting in young puppies may be related to the teething period. Biting is also part of their normal play behavior, often when they are with their mother.

Although it may seem hard to believe, your Scottie may bite or bite to get your attention. And she will continue to do so if she succeeds… Adult Scotsmen can bite when overexcited or bite when threatened. Scottish Terriers can be possessive of their toys and food, and biting is their way of defending themselves against intruders.

Biting can also be a reaction to pain being caused, like someone accidentally stepping on their paw. Other Scots develop suspicious or aggressive behavior towards strangers or visitors and this is when biting may occur for no specific reason.

Of course, the sharp clothing of your Scotsman can have negative effects on you and your relationship. You can’t leave it outside or take it to crowded public places for fear that it might bite someone, not to mention the problems you might have in case it happens accidentally.

Your Scottish terrier doesn’t automatically know what’s acceptable and what’s not, so you need to set limits by correcting him when he misbehaves. An aggressive habit like biting must be attended to immediately.

So what can you do to effectively control your Scottish terrier’s biting habit?

1. First of all, show him your disapproval. with a strong and incisive “no” or “don’t bite” command. Then leave him alone and don’t look at him or talk to him.

2. If he bites while playing, give him a “don’t bite” command and stop playing immediately.

3. Use a squirt bottle of water or make noise by shaking a can with coins or marbles along with a firm “don’t bite” command. Repeat this process as many times as necessary until he finally stops biting.

If the biting habit persists, consider getting professional help. Obedience training classes can go a long way in correcting most of your Scottish terrier’s behavior problems.

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