
Cypress Creek Golf Course Development

Venice Davis, "The Great Wall of Champions on Jackrabbit Road", Touchstone, Flight. XIX (2000), 39-47.This article examines the development of the Cypress Creek Golf Course and Champions Clubhouse and the factors that necessitated the construction of a sound attenuation wall along FM 1960. In the mid-1950s, two professional golfers, Jimmy Demaret and Jack Burke, Jr., decided to become partners in

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Home Kitchen

kitchen fire safety

Kitchens are a natural place for fires to start – you're already working with open flames or very high heat. Take extra precautions to prevent fires.Fire prevention in the kitchenThe number one cause of kitchen fires is unattended cooking. When you cook anything on top of the stove or in the oven, stick with it. For long-cooking dishes, plan activities

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Oversteer or understeer: which is safer?

Have you heard the expressions, a particular car oversteers or another understeers? Do you know exactly what each term means? If you could choose, which would be safer to drive? Let's see what both expressions really mean. Imagine you are in your car in a big empty parking lot, with nothing to hit, no poles or other cars. Now start

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The benefits of swimming over running

Whether you choose to run or swim, they both help you lose weight and improve your cardiovascular fitness. It's just that the advantages of swimming outweigh those of running for many reasons.What's good about swimming? Endurance effect in water - strengthens the body Burn calories Keeps blood pressure low: good cardiovascular exercise without straining the heart. Weightlessness of water: no

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Web designers and clients, a marriage or a mistake?

With a small amount of thought and effort, the pitfall of this being a mistake can be easily avoided. As with any relationship, a certain amount of give and take should be expected. As I mentioned in my previous article, this trend is actually more of a new type of clientele than anything else. This type or mindset of clientele

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Legal Law

The big one?

This is a proven and really easy way to start increasing your sales right away.All you need to do is add these 2 words to your sales system and you're good to go.In fact, this trick is so cool I wish I could take credit for inventing it, but it actually comes from a little-known marketing legend.Here's the deal:In 1947,

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