Over the years, I have been introduced to many variations of pool games. Some games may take a while to complete, while others finish relatively quickly. The two most popular games, 8-ball and 9-ball, for example, will cost average players 10-15 minutes of their time. Some games, like the rotation and the cowboy group, will take a little longer. But what if you’re short on time and want to engage in a quick game of pool with a friend? Or maybe you’re on your own and want to brush up on your shot setups and break speed, and you want something quick and easy.

One of my favorite and fastest pool games involves a simple triangle configuration of 3 balls and one or more opponents. A single match with two players should not last more than five minutes. If no opponent is available, a quick solo 3-ball game is a great exercise to get out there and anticipate some shots ahead.

The rules of the game are quite simple. Place three pool balls in a triangle formation at the head spot and place your cue ball anywhere in the kitchen (behind the score line), as if you were breaking for a normal game of 8-ball or 9-ball. billiards shot, including the break, counts as one stroke. If a scratch occurs, it is counted as two extra shots, plus the shot you just made, for a total of three. Each player keeps shooting until all three balls have been pocketed. The player with the fewest hits after each player sinks all three of their balls is the winner.

If you are looking for a pool game that is easy to understand and not time consuming, then 3 ball pool is the way to go. Make it more interesting by organizing tournaments or making small bets with your friends. Or incorporate it into other pool games as short bonus rounds. Whatever your preference, once you get started, you’ll find yourself playing 3-ball pool over and over again.

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