Many women around the world have problems getting pregnant. Wanting a baby but not having one can cause bad feelings for both husband and wife. This article presents the top 7 tips on how to get pregnant fast.

1) See a doctor before you start trying to get pregnant

Fitness and health are very important if you are planning to conceive. Beforehand, see your doctor for a checkup. Some untreated infections, poor health, and sexually transmitted diseases can make it harder for you to fall. The doctor will also provide you with some prenatal vitamins that can further improve your chances.

2) Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and abusing drugs

It is a mere fact that smoking, drugs and alcohol can affect the fertility of the woman as well as the fetus. If you smoke, use drugs and/or drink alcohol, be sure to stop before trying to get pregnant, consult a doctor on how to do so.

3) Have sex three times a week

Having regular sex with your partner is the best way to get pregnant, which may seem obvious but true. Having sex when a woman is not ovulating will not lead to pregnancy. On the other hand, due to the fact that women don’t ovulate regularly all the time, having sex three times a week will help cover your bases.

4) Consider using an ovulation kit or fertility monitor

One way to improve your chances of getting pregnant is to use an ovulation kit to predict when you are ovulating or not. An ovulation kit is very easy to use and is usually accurate when it comes to predicting ovulation. It works by reading the LH surge before ovulation. As for the fertility monitor, the Clear Blue Easy monitor is a useful tool if you are trying to get pregnant quickly. Like an ovulation kit, fertility monitors also read changes in LH and other hormones.

5) Consider having sex before ovulation

When it comes to understanding ovulation, sometimes couples get confused about when is the best time to have sex. According to studies, every woman has a small window of time each month to get pregnant. The egg will survive for approximately 24 hours after a woman ovulates. On the contrary, the sperm will survive for three to five days, that is why having intercourse two to three days before the ovulation period can increase the chances of getting pregnant.

6) Have pleasurable sex

When couples try to conceive, intercourse can become a chore. Both couples should participate and do their best, trying something new in bed can help! It is said that how you feel sexually can cause your chances of getting pregnant. Several researchers believe that having a great orgasm during intercourse increases the chances of getting pregnant. For women, the jerky movements of orgasm can help draw sperm into the uterus, and for men, a big orgasm can increase their sperm count.

7) Try a sexual position that allows sperm to stay longer inside the vagina.

When it comes to getting pregnant, missionary is the best position to have. A position such as having the woman on top could decrease the chances of getting pregnant since gravity will allow the sperm to fall. Avoid getting up immediately after sex. As much as possible, allow the sperm to stay longer inside the vagina. Another thing, consider putting a pillow under a woman’s hip, as it will help tilt the pelvis and keep the sperm in longer.

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