Jock itch (JI) is a pain in the penis for many men, whether they are jocks or couch potatoes or something in between. But this common penis health condition appears to be more likely to occur in men who are more physically involved, such as athletes, and including those who take up the sport (and hobby) of cycling. Let’s take a look at this common (and often puzzling) cycling problem.

Basics: Jockitch (JI)

For those who like this kind of thing, JI’s medical name is tinea cruris. (It’s related to, think of the first cousin, athlete’s foot, also known as tinea pedis.) All men have reasons at some point to scratch their penis and balls, but when visited with jock itch, the need to scratching can increase dramatically and embarrassingly.

So what is JI exactly? Well, it’s a fungal infection, just like athlete’s foot is a fungus. JI occurs in the penis, testicles, buttocks, thighs, and/or groin. It presents as a red, ring-shaped or circular rash that can occur alone or in groups. The edge of the rash tends to be raised and the skin may be scaly or scaly.

As for penile health problems, JI is not serious, but it can be inconvenient. Some people find that the rash may burn or itch a bit, but most cases are marked by the severe itching that gives the condition its nickname.


JI is most often found in a hot and humid environment, which accurately describes the crotch. This type of environment is heaven for a fungus, and it is the type of environment that is very common among athletes, including cyclists. When a rider has JI, he can get in the way by creating a distraction, an urge to scratch, that prevents the rider from staying focused on his goals.

Cycling shorts can contribute to the problem. Shorts tend to provide compression, which is useful for cycling, but also increases heat and therefore sweat. Finding shorts made of a material that allows the skin to “breathe” can help decrease the chance of developing JI. It is also extremely important that cyclists wash their shorts thoroughly and regularly; Allowing sweat to accumulate can only increase the chance that the fungus will find a good place to take root and grow.

If a man has athlete’s foot, he should take special care to prevent JI. The fungus that causes the former also causes the latter. So don’t go to the shower, wipe your feet with a towel, and then use the same towel to dry your crotch; It is recommended to use a separate foot towel. Likewise, put on socks before putting on bike shorts or underwear, so the athlete’s foot fungus doesn’t transfer.

It’s also important not to share towels (or, of course, underwear, shorts, or socks) with another rider; if you have JI, sharing towels or clothing increases the chance that it will spread. And if you’re at the gym, wear flip-flops or other appropriate footwear for the shower and sauna. (It goes without saying that those who sauna naked should lay down a clean towel before sitting in the sauna.)

Cycling enthusiasts who have JI have several over-the-counter options to use. A persistent case may require a visit to the doctor.

JI, whether you are a cycling enthusiast or a desk jockey, you can benefit from the daily use of a superior oil for penis health. (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil which is clinically proven to be gentle and safe for the skin). JI often feels better when skin is hydrated, so select an oil with a combination of moisturizing agents, such as vitamin E and shea butter. Ideally, the oil should also contain vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, a vital nutrient that is required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue.

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