Do you know who Harrell Edmonds “Eddie” Chiles is?

Chiles was known for his radio commentaries from the 1970s. His trademark sign “I’m Eddie Chiles, and I’m crazy as hell” created an incredible demand for bumper stickers reading “I’m mad too Eddie !”

I actually don’t remember who Eddie was, but I do remember the “I’m Mad Too, Eddie” bumper stickers.

Now, what does Eddie Chiles have to do with MLM/Network Marketing? Actually a lot. More specifically, the “I’m Mad Too, Eddie” bumper stickers.

For example, the attractions marketing gurus… When it comes to them, I have to pull out my Eddie Chiles “I’m Mad Too, Eddie” sticker and proudly display it.

Because? Because the attraction marketing guru makes it look so easy. Just launch a website and you are in business and people will flock to your website…

It’s not going to happen…

Okay, now I hear you… I hear you say “Al, your article sounds very hypocritical since you are using attraction marketing concepts on your website. What do you have to say about it?”

Guilty as charged, yes I use the concept of pull marketing on my site, because it works flat out, but I have a twist that others don’t use.

I’m getting ahead of myself here, so let me explain what I mean before I start a riot by speaking out of one side of my mouth and preaching something else out of the other.

For the ignorant let me explain Attraction Marketing as I understand it.

Pull marketing is simply through the use of your website and/or blog and the articles you write, the comments you make and just the general items you place on your site, such as products with a glowing recommendation, make others notice. are attracted to you. (attracted).

You can write a great article that others love and others want to share. They can repost it on social networking sites like Facebook or they can mention it on Twitter. Readers of this article like it so much that they visit your site and spend time on it.

They like your site so much that they trust your recommendation. You may have recommended a Facebook course that they liked and had good results with and would be willing to purchase.

As they spend time on your site, they see that you are also promoting a network marketing/MLM opportunity. Then they join you, thinking “WOW, if they have such great content on their site, they must be a GREAT Sponsor.” I wish this was always like this.

Just because someone has good content doesn’t mean they would be a good sponsor in your MLM/network marketing opportunity. They may be, but they may not.

The problem with this philosophy is this, once you join them, what then? Most people don’t have a system to go to. Are they going to tell you to do the same as them?

What if this is your first time online? Do you know what a URL is? Do you know how to build a website? Are you a good copyright author? Do you know how to set up an automatic response?

Need an “I’m Mad Too, Eddie” bumper sticker right now?

I would wager that a lead MLM/Network Marketing lead would have a downline that was a mile wide and an inch deep.

What I mean by this? They are so good at attracting people who come to their site for the great articles, great recommendations, and other great content to join whatever MLM/Network Marketing company they are promoting. Then they say “Sick Em”, go make your list of 100 people and build your company.

They can’t help you because all they know is attraction marketing. Most will fail. That is the truth told. Not the attraction vendors fault. That’s all they know. It works great for them, but they’ve been at it for a while. Will it work for you? Maybe, but doubtful.

Yes, when it comes to attraction marketing without a system, I’m proud to put my “I’m Mad Too, Eddie” bumper sticker on it, and so should you.

So the bottom line… Most people don’t know how or don’t have the desire to do inbound marketing.

What is left for the rest of us to do? A system. Attraction marketing is not a system. But if you have a system, there is hope. Build it and they will come.

Eddie, I’m not crazy anymore… I have a system!

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