Once you’ve made your decision about what type of purebred puppy you want, the hard part is over! Next, you’ll need to “puppy-proof” your living space before you bring home this new addition to your family. If you know what to look for and what steps to take, this can be very simple. Here are some easy steps that will have your house pup safe in no time.

• Step 1: Testing of puppies in your general home

First, make sure all poisonous household items are safely stored on high shelves that the pup can’t reach or climb. Your purebred pup will, of course, be interested in anything at his level that he can get to. It’s good practice to get on the floor before you bring your purebred puppy home and scan the area under furniture and tables for anything he’s peeked at. This, of course, includes small items that the pup could chew on, choke on, or lose electrical cords. Also, many potted plants that people usually keep inside the house can be harmful and even fatal to your purebred pup. Some toxic plants commonly found indoors include dieffenbachia, azalea, calla lily, and philodendron.

• Step 2: Puppy-proof bath

The bathroom may be the last place you think harmful objects to your purebred pup might be found, but that’s definitely not the case. Of course, it’s always a good practice to keep the bathroom door closed when you’re not home, but people often forget that. You should remove any medications or vitamins that you usually have on the counter and place them in a secure container in your medicine cabinet. Also, move the trash can to the top of the counter or put it in the bathroom cabinet, as sanitary products, razors and old shampoo bottles with residue can be highly toxic. Lastly, make sure the toilet seat is always down. Puppies tend to drink any water they see, and if you use toilet bowl cleaners, they can be very poisonous to your purebred pup.

• Step 3: Puppy-proof cooking

The kitchen is another place where your purebred pup can quickly and easily not only make a mess, but get into serious trouble. Much of the food we eat can be very harmful to a puppy. In particular, chocolate, onions, alcohol, and foods high in fat, sugar, or salt can be very harmful. Problems from swallowing chocolate can range from diarrhea to seizures to death. Also, just like bathroom trash, kitchen trash can be incredibly harmful. Chicken bones and coffee grounds can be very dangerous. As your purebred pup gets older, it becomes very easy for them to dump the trash can and reach whatever is inside. Be sure to close the kitchen or empty the trash regularly to avoid these problems.

Bringing home your first purebred puppy should be a joyous moment! Don’t let a little detail ruin all the fun. These tips are a good place to start once you’ve made the decision to bring a puppy home. Keeping your pup safe should be easy so you can spend more on fun stuff.

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