If you are a cat owner then it is your primary duty to vaccinate your cat against diseases. To do this, you should contact your Veterinary Doctor to find out when and what dose your pet needs. Typically, after the first inoculation of the vaccine, veterinarians schedule break inoculation injections after about a month. For kittens, their inoculation begins when they are almost two months old. As they get older, they are given a booster shot every year or after two years depending on the dose of vaccine they are given or at the vet’s suggestion.

You can have a detailed discussion about it with your veterinarian and you can ask questions about your cat’s health care or health checks. Being the owner of the cat, you must know each and every one of the vaccination processes that would be given to your pussycat.

It is also important to keep a medical history on your cat. If you have a stray cat, try to cover all their medical history and reports from day one by having a proper and complete medical check up with all details of vaccinations. But if you’ve adopted your kitty from someone else, try to get all the medical details and history of its former owner. From this, you can have a complete knowledge of previous medical care and vaccinations.

If your cat is single or an indoor pet, your vet may skip some cat vaccinations based on your pet’s way of life. But, if you have a lot of cats, don’t forget to vaccinate them all. Some kitties can react strangely to the dose of the vaccines, as they may develop a fever, sneezing, loss of hunger, or in the worst cases, vomiting or difficulty breathing. If you notice any serious side effects in your kitty, take him to the vet again before it’s too late.

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