It is said that we get what we pay for. Does this mean that when you buy a cheap home security system, you’re not getting the proper protection you need? And by the same token, does an expensive home security system ensure that your home is already burglar-proof? While expensive security systems are nice, let’s not ignore common sense when choosing a home security system. Remember, there is no such thing as complete security, so no matter how much you spend on security devices, the risk still exists. What you need to do is carefully select the security devices you really need and make the most of your budget.

Ways to protect your home without spending too much

Change of padlocks and door knobs. Criminals take less than 2 minutes to enter a house. If they delay one more minute, most burglars will give up and try another house. That’s why trusty padlocks and doorknobs are enough to keep thieves out. Put at least one deadbolt for added security. Time is of the essence for any crime; use this against them.

Replace doors. Security can easily be breached if you have hollow or weakened doors. Don’t wait for someone to completely destroy them. Use metal or wooden doors as a replacement. Sliding glass doors must have secondary locks to prevent them from lifting off the track or swinging open.

Secure your windows. Most thieves can easily get through windows than doors. If your windows are properly secured by installing additional locks, you take away a great opportunity for them to gain entry into your home.

Secure garage doors. If the windows and doors are inaccessible, garage doors will be your last option. Make sure you don’t give burglars any chance of using your garage doors as a point of entry. Install extra locks and keep them secure even if you’re at home.

Put up a yard sign. Convincing potential burglars that your home is protected by a security system is an effective way to spot burglars. A yard sign that says something like “No: House Protected With Surveillance Cameras” is enough to scare off the burglar, whether or not he actually has them.

Install dummy cameras – they’re as low as $20 each, but they’re very effective at keeping criminals off your property. Why are some houses more vulnerable to burglary than others? It’s because burglars choose a house where they can do their business without being seen. So if they are convinced that a house is equipped with cameras, they walk away and move to another house with less security protection.

Cheap security is not fake security. A surveillance camera located at the only point of entry and exit from your home will do the job. A webcam and stop at your door that is connected to your computer will let you know who is at your door. A good security light that eliminates potential hiding places for thieves will discourage anyone from trespassing on your property. A motion detector connected to an alarm system can scare off intruders. Home security doesn’t have to be expensive. Buy only what is necessary.

Keeping your home safe at no additional cost

Most thefts happen while you are away or on vacation. But that doesn’t mean you have to spend thousands of dollars on security devices just to get the vacation of your dreams. There are ways to keep your home safe without spending a dime.

1. Arrange for someone to mow your lawn.

2. Close all your doors and windows.

3. If you have a subscription to a newspaper or magazine, ask your neighbor to pick it up at your doorstep. Or call your subscription company to stop delivery while you’re away.

4. Have your mail stay in your PO Box while you’re away.

5. Closed curtains are a sure indication that the house is empty and also gives burglars the opportunity to conduct their business without being seen by the neighbors. So leave the curtains open.

6. Use timers to turn lights and TV on and off at certain times. This creates a busy look.

7. Tell your trusted neighbors about your plans.

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