Although our thoughts are processed in the brain, I believe that our mind is in our heart. This is evident when individual determination fuels them enough to cross the finish line of a marathon. This phenomenon can be witnessed when an individual, despite everything, takes his first step towards a healthier life.

There is a connection of our heart and ability to achieve our goals. Although fitness requires physical energy and strength, nothing else compares to our mental energy. By looking within ourselves for inspiration, we initiate a biochemical chain of events. Endorphins are released and you run that extra 5 minutes on the treadmill or lift those extra 5 pounds despite fatigue. Perhaps, it’s an image of what you’re working on, an image of a loved one, or a raw approach that takes you to the next level. It all starts with the mind, not with sugar-laden drinks.

However, when the initial excitement of embarking on a new journey wears off, the mind riots with questions.

Here are some symptoms of mental roadblocks that can get in the way of your training program:

o Typically starts 3-5 weeks into a training program. Cycles approximately every 3-6 months.

o Depression, Fatigue

o Decreased interest in favorite activities

o Changes in appetite, Irritability, Insomnia,

o You start minimizing accomplishments.

o Walk away from the program and go back to old habits.

o Execute poorly in the exercises. It can cause injury.

Here are some favorite quotes. ‘Take the body to the gym and the mind will follow’. And ‘Thoughts are like clouds and they will pass away’.

When you’re in the middle of a mental block, try the following:

o Review your training schedule. Are you overtraining?

o Talk about your mental obstacle. By sharing, you decrease mental baggage and get feedback.

o Practice patience, diligence in all activities, not just your training.

o Focus on correct breathing and awareness of correct exercise form.

o Participate in a group class.

o Plan your training and duration in advance. Remember to eat your meals before and after training.

o Take an extra day off from the gym. Focus on nutrition.

Training is not all physical. It requires daily preparation and determination to continue and give 100%.
I personally do the following when I feel like my mind is overwhelming me.

1. Review the basics. Exercises you are familiar with that focus on strengthening joints and range of motion. For example, static stretches, SMR foam rollers, dynamic warm-up exercises, hip exercises, rotator cuff exercises.

2. Power Naps! Daily 10-30 minutes of recharging.

3. Drink water throughout the day.

4. Ask a friend to join you.

5. Take a group class

6. Be grateful for your current health.

If you see it, you can achieve it. When your body is changing physically from your hard work in the gym, your mind needs to readjust too. Every workout you do is a springboard. Every time you show up for life is an achievement.

Mental obstacles are like sandcastles. Eventually, they will fall into the sea of ​​your perseverance. Ask for help and remember that you are not alone.

Take care and stay ACTIVE!

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