Children are very difficult to please these days when it comes to birthday and Christmas gifts. They are not happy with old-fashioned board games and instead want all the electronic products on the market like gaming and gaming consoles, mobile phones and computers. What happened to children being children? They should be running outdoors, working up an appetite and some color in their cheeks instead of staring lethargically at a television screen full of violence and drama controlled by the devices in their hands. Even when it’s raining outside, children’s brains need an educational boost. Fortunately, there are gifts to show children that there are other fun activities besides computing.

One of the most important activities for children to participate in is reading. Their little brains are like sponges that absorb and soak up information at a rapid rate and you will always find that a child who loves to read will always be top of the class in school for their sheer love of knowledge. A great way to get your child started reading is with a personalized book. By choosing a classic tale like Alice in Wonderland, for example, you can replace the heroine’s name with the name of the girl you’re buying for her, instantly making her the star of the story. The title of the cover will be adjusted to show the name of the cover, for example “Amy in Wonderland”. Any child will love this beautiful gift and we can guarantee that it will be kept for years to come and even be passed down to their own children over time.

We mentioned old-fashioned board games and their decline earlier and it’s a real shame kids aren’t as big into gaming as they used to be. Pique their interest with a custom board game! You can choose from old classics like Cluedo and Monopoly and the board can be customized to display places and names relevant to your recipient, as can character pieces. Kids will want to get more involved if they feel like they’re a part of something and when the power goes out, you’ll find that old trusty board games come out of hiding pretty quickly!

There is now a massive focus on being ‘green’ and this is especially important for our children as they are the generation that will grow up with this attitude as the norm. Encourage their energy saving attitude with the gift of a solar jar. This great gift comes in a range of colors to suit any bedroom decor and sits on your windowsill during the day so it can absorb and store the sun’s solar energy. When darkness falls, the energy stored within the jar emits a misty glow to add ambiance to any room without increasing your energy bill. It also serves as the perfect nightlight for a child’s bedroom.

The above gifts are great for showing kids that there is indeed life beyond the TV screen. All the gifts for him and her that we have mentioned are available online and you will find that all your online purchases are cheaper and more varied than anything you will find on the high street.

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