Here are some simple ways to prevent health problems for your dog. Essential oil products made by Young Living are natural ways to promote health, prevent plagues naturally, and help stop tooth decay. Please note that not all brands of essential oils are processed to Young Living standards, and if you use other brands, you may not receive the benefits and may be causing harm to your pet.

I am a dog breeder and i can try essential oils and then see results. I have attended many classes, read numerous books, listened to countless podcasts on essential oils. I have had the pleasure of speaking with a few holistic vets who use essential oils. I tried the suggested apps and found out firsthand if the remedies are good solutions.

These solutions contain many benefits without the high veterinary costs or side effects of man-made products. These are some of the Young Living products that I have tried. The results have exceeded my expectations. One big benefit is that I no longer apply unnecessary poisons to my dogs or absorb the toxins myself.

Purification is an essential oil blend made by Young Living and is wonderful for cleaning dogs’ ears. Put a drop of purification in the palm of your hand, rub the end of a Q-tip on the drop, then clean your dog’s ear. Repeat the process with a new end of a Q-tip for the other ear. Repeat every day until the Q-tip is free of residue. Kills ear mites instantly. Dr. Melissa Shelton, DVM, tested and witnessed the death of ear mites when she applied the purification to the microscope slide. Diffused or sprayed on your bedding kills pests, disinfects and keeps your home bug free without using harmful chemicals.

Lavender is a natural solution for tear stains. Once a day, put one drop in the palm of your hand and then use your index finger to apply the drop by rubbing your finger across the upper bridge of your dog’s nose just below his eyes. Lavender unblocks eye ducts and kills bacteria caused by tearing.

I have a couple of dogs with eye injuries from hunting, interacting with other pets, or other issues. Dr. Melissa Shelton, DVM, told me about a dog who was a last-chance candidate with an eye problem. He used lavender mixed with water and was having success solving the eye problem. I mixed a solution of 8 drops of lavender in 8 ounces of steam distilled water and a packet of usp grade sodium chloride/sodium bicarbonate. The package is ½ of a teaspoon. Sodium chloride/sodium bicarbonate usp grade can be purchased at Walgreen’s or online; It is used for neti pot sinus rinsing. It is an emulsifier and prevents the solution from separating since oil and water do not mix. The solution should be shaken each time before use if you are not using an emulsifier. The mixture is similar to eye wash solutions used for humans. Put the mixture in a glass spray bottle. Spray the solution 2-3 times into the affected eye once a day and watch the healing begin.

Curly, our English springer’s eye was extremely large due to a hunting accident that occurred in 2006 at the age of 8. The eye was getting bigger and looked like it was about to burst. He was sure he would need surgery and could lose his eye. I started using the solution and his eye is back to normal size and the cataract is getting smaller. That is incredible.

This solution repels pests, alleviates skin problems and softens the coat. It also soothes sore muscles. I mix 1 drop of lavender and 1 drop of peppermint with 1 ounce of steam distilled water. Then add one drop of Young Living Bath & Shower Gel Base as an emulsifier to 6 ounces of water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution weekly or as needed, then massage your fingers into your dog’s spine. Your dog will love this routine.

Thieves, another blend made by Young Living, is great for helping prevent cavities. In a 4-ounce glass spray bottle, I mix 2 drops of Thieves in 1 ounce of steam-distilled water. I use the overnight solution to spray on my dog’s gums and upper teeth. Lift the upper lip on each side of your dog’s mouth and spray the solution onto the teeth. Thieves kills the bacteria that cause cavities. Thieves strengthens your dog’s immune system, it is a natural antibiotic. Antibiotics made from drugs kill both the bad bacteria and the good ones. You will need to rebuild the good bacteria with probiotics like Life 5, yogurt, kefir, etc. if you use artificial antibiotics. The Thieves Solution is a cheaper, easier and healthier method to brush your teeth daily or take your dog to the vet for the recommended 6 month dental cleaning.

Start learning by reading labels and then searching for ingredients on your computer in your browser’s search bar. I use Young Living Animal Scent Shampoo to bathe my animals. It has essential oils that clean and repel pests without the harmful side effects of other pet shampoos. It does not have any carcinogenic ingredients like sodium lauryl sulfate found in most shampoos. It can be used as needed and not just once every 30 days as directed by most pet shampoos.

Another great Young Living product is Animal Scent Ointment. I’ve been using it to heal wounds. Hunting dogs receive nicks and cuts when hunting. I apply to their sores and their wounds heal faster. It is wonderful to apply after removing dewy pincers or docking tails. It speeds up the healing process and prevents infections. I apply the ointment to my cuticles at night as I need to wash my hands frequently; the ointment heals my dry hands faster than the other products i have used in the past. Also, there are no toxins.

Another featured product is Young Living’s Thieves Household Cleaner. I have been using it to clean my kennels. Mix 30 oz. water to 1 oz. Thieves household cleaner in a spray bottle and spray in the kennel. It kills germs, bacteria and is safe for dogs even if they lick their paws. I do not need to take away their water or food, thieves is a natural product that is safe to eat. No need to rinse or let air dry. It doesn’t burn my lungs or irritate my skin. I take the dog out while spraying the solution; he has cinnamon and can be irritating to the eyes as the mist settles, which only takes a few seconds.


The author offers information and opinions, not as a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. It is recommended to consult a veterinarian trained in the use of essential oils before taking home remedies or supplements or following any treatment suggested by anyone. Your vet can provide advice on what is considered safe and effective for your animal’s unique needs or diagnose your animal’s particular medical history.

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