As one of the oldest known stones, malachite is a dense, magical stone that calms and soothes tense nerves. It is a powerful stone to manifest wealth, prosperity and abundance. The ancient Egyptians used the power of malachite to effect great changes within their physical bodies, healing on a cellular level. This many-layered stone helps to ground nervousness or excess energy, allowing the Crown Chakra to open more fully and allowing for the channeling of higher energy frequencies.

The malachite color appears in many layers of green creating a smooth flowing effect when viewed. It is a heavy stone, and is found both in its natural form, polished on one side, or as pebbles.

Instead of emitting energy, Malachite absorbs energy by transmuting the energy into itself. Place this stone over areas that may be experiencing discomfort or discomfort, it will draw out or drive away your low frequency energy causing disharmony within the physical body.

• Association of the Angelic Realm: Archangel Raziel, whose name means “Secret of God,” will assist all who seek to align with their Higher Self; dissolving blockages within your physical and mental bodies.

• Healing properties: general well-being; absorbs energy, helps resolve blockages within the physical body and the mental body.

• Vibrational Frequency: dense, intense, use it with great respect.

• Spiritual Properties: channeling of higher frequency vibrations, which makes it easier to tune in with spirit guides.

Use this stone as a tool to focus your energy, to help Mother Earth regenerate herself, healing in a very profound way. The grooves, the lines, the layers of Malachite are part of its charm, the very essence of this beautiful stone.

The best way to cleanse and recharge Malachite is by placing it in the sun or in a large cluster of clear quartz.

Emerald – Stone of Clear Awareness

The Emerald is thought to be a bridge, a bridge between the mental and emotional planes; a bridge between two people; harmonizing both the desire to give and to receive love. It does not have the ability on its own to produce a healing effect on the physical body. However, with a focused intention, it assists the user, receiver, and healer with a deeper vibration of energy with which to aid healing.

Additional attributes include enhancing forgiving thoughts, emotions in oneself and others. Strengthen, expand what is known and unite the power of focused thought and mental acuity.

The Emerald is most closely associated with and resonates with the deep Heart Center, affecting emotional healing at its very core. The ancient Egyptians believed that it protected travelers, when worn on the left arm; represents unconditional love, friendship, partnerships, a sense of unity.

The color varies from deep grass green to light green, almost yellow. The energy signature, the vibrational frequency has the ability to be gentle, healing, loving, giving, strong, subtle and free flowing.

• Angelic Realm Association: Archangel Jophiel, whose name means “Beauty of God,” will help you see through the eyes of love; beyond superficial appearances, beyond what is perceived.

• Healing properties: compassion, love, physical strength, capable of relieving back pain.

• Vibrational frequency: delicate, strong, subtle, fluid.

• Spiritual Properties: ability to enhance wisdom on the mental plane; expands giving and receiving within the heart and mind.

It is better not to wear an emerald constantly, as it can overestimate mental activity, perhaps causing loss of sleep, excessive mental chatter.

The brilliance of an emerald may appear flawed, do not confuse it with an inferior gemstone because its healing properties are not yet fully understood. Be kind to yourself while you work and wear this amazing green gem.

How do you work with Esmeralda? Please be willing to share your experiences with the rest of us, we all learn from each other by posting comments or questions.

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