The Green New Deal, the Great Reset, “Build Back Better”: these are elitist/globalist keywords for the transformation of not only human society, but also the earth itself. The super-rich, represented by the elites at the World Economic Forum and their representatives in national governments, medical establishments, and scientific establishments, have a plan for humanity. That plan essentially boils down to these points:

* Reduce the population of mankind to around half a billion. This is necessary because humans and their fossil fuel industries are (supposedly) polluting the planet, and the driving mechanism of capitalism is mindless expansion and production of goods and services at an unsustainable level that will eventually wipe out the base of planet resources. (There is some truth to this.)

* Create a new human society based on transhumanism: the fusion of human biology with electronics, nanotechnology, gene editing and AI. The goal is a human population efficiently regulated by artificial intelligence, a higher intelligence that will know how best to regulate a humanity that is out of control.

These ideas are the latest evolution of a machine-oriented, male-dominated philosophy that ignores the feminine. The purpose of the current madness of gender identity politics is to eliminate women from society (because men can give birth). It is inconvenient for globalists that life comes out of the womb. This practice does not fit into a humane society that can be regulated from above. Birth through a woman is careless and inefficient. Therefore, women must be denigrated and ultimately removed from society, along with other female-oriented concepts such as love, compassion, and tolerance.

The bold new world of machines, the Internet of Things, will now be combined with the Internet of Bodies: a blockchain-powered QR code-based system that transforms problematic biological humans into a monitorable dataset. and control from the moment of birth to the moment of death. Human life will no longer come from women, it will originate from bioprinters where engineered human bodies come out of AI-supervised programming.

Watch this: reaching out to a child near you.

This crazy plan for humanity and the earth can only come from unbalanced minds.

The first step in this plan to create a “new” humanity is related to the global pandemic and the ruthless enforcement of vaccine mandates and lockdowns. This prepares the human race to meekly accept the dictates from above, no matter how unreasonable and dehumanizing.

The second step, under the guise of protecting the planet, is to eliminate all fossil fuel generating plants. We can see this in the climate change agreements and the Tokyo Protocols, and the recent meeting in Glasgow, Scotland, of the G20. This meeting was ALL about climate change, the new buzzword that will be used to destroy industrialized society and reduce population. Of course, green power isn’t ready to replace reliable grid power, but the elites who support the Green New Deal and the Great Reset don’t care about that. Their goal is to immediately stop all power generation from fossil fuels, currently the source of nearly all of the world’s energy.

The third step is the creation of the metaverse, a virtual reality world that will take humans away from earth, the feminine, and the reality of human biology, and into an artificial world dominated by AI. “Mother Nature” is an offensive term for these people who hate women and humanity. It’s happening now. Meta is the new name for an organization that now includes Facebook and will merge all of Big Tech’s teams like Instagram and other internet-based social media organizations. The idea here is to move human consciousness away from spirituality, God and the Creator, and any mention of the earth that sustains us, and install it in a controllable artificial reality.

The fourth step is the chipping and nanoinfestation of the human body. These internal interfaces will react with the Internet of Things and create the Internet of Bodies, a fully controllable humanity under the regulation and control of our superiors.

There you have it folks: the dystopian globalist plan for your future and future generations of humanity.

The great rebooters and transhumanists actually believe, without any proof, that consciousness can come from powerful computer-generated algorithms, and that these algorithms can magically evolve, in a sort of AI Big Bang, into sentience and consciousness that is superior to to human consciousness. . This idea is the product of disturbed minds. It neglects the distinction between intelligence and consciousness. Intelligence is not conscious, it is not directed by a higher power, it is simply sophisticated problem solving.

The Singularity, the latest evolution of artificial intelligence into a superintelligence, will never happen. Unfortunately, the globalists don’t know this yet because they have little to no self-awareness. Transhumanism is the latest evolution of people who view themselves and humanity with contempt. Transhumanism and its vehicles, the Great Reset and the Green New Deal, is a humanity-destroying idea that stems from a complete lack of self-esteem and self-respect.

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