A home remedy is a treatment or cure for a disease or other food that uses certain foods or other common household items. Never use any home remedy or other self-treatment without a doctor’s advice.


Health comes from common sense and natural nutrition. Herbal treatments and alternative health are gaining in popularity as more and more people discover what they have to offer. The living proof is that our ancestors, with the help of these cures, lived a happier, healthier and longer life than the current generation. The goal of a human being should be to understand the rules of good health and obey them, so that he does not have to depend on doctors who burden his life with drugs. The first necessity for good health is clean air. The third necessity for good health is food and water.


Pimples disappear without scarring when rubbed with raw garlic several times a day. Lemon has also been shown to be beneficial in reducing pimples and acne. A teaspoon of coriander juice mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder is another effective home remedy for pimples and blackheads. Acne or pimples are caused by hormonal changes, poor eating habits, and improper skin care.


Health and Fitness – Over-the-counter thrush treatments aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. Learn why over-the-counter and prescription treatments can cause chronic yeast infections and why treating yeast infections at home naturally makes the most sense. The easiest solution for any form of candidiasis is to focus on diet, which in itself can be an effective home remedy for candidiasis. :: Home remedy for yeast infection Yeast infection is a problem that bothers women since the time of Hippocrates. Beyond removing carbohydrates from the diet temporarily and removing simple sugars from the diet permanently, there are many other supplements that can be taken to help eliminate an internal yeast infection.


Combing alone can be an effective way to treat head lice. Therefore, if you currently have no other way, start combing out lice and nits (that is, eggs). With patience and persistence, you will eventually get rid of all the lice and nits. ~Lice do not jump or fly, but crawl quickly and are usually contracted from hair-to-hair contact.

Pink eye (conjunctivitis)

A home remedy for conjunctivitis includes regular hand washing. While eye drops are available, many cases of this infection clear up on their own with a home remedy for conjunctivitis. Home remedy for conjunctivitis Home remedy for conjunctivitis Chinese food home remedy for conjunctivitis: Pork liver is considered to improve vision and is useful for night blindness, conjunctivitis, edema and beriberi. Another home remedy for conjunctivitis includes the use of a sterile cotton ball dipped in warm water to remove the crusts from the eyelashes. A warm compress for up to ten minutes at a time provides another home remedy for conjunctivitis in all conditions except allergic conjunctivitis. An old home remedy for conjunctivitis is to mix some boric acid powder with some warm water, then wash the corner of the eyes and the eyelids with a cotton ball soaked in the mixture. Breast milk is the best home remedy for conjunctivitis.


Sore throats often signal the onset of a cold or flu. Sore throats are among the most common ailments and concerns of those who seek medical attention. Acid reflux in the throat can cause a sore throat. Turmeric Treatment of the Common Cold Turmeric is an effective remedy for colds and sore throats. SAGE is another popular alternative medicine used in the treatment of sore throats. Sage is beneficial in the treatment of pharyngitis and other sore throats by reducing inflammation and protecting the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. GARLIC, a natural antibiotic, can be helpful in speeding recovery and killing bacteria, especially if your sore throat is caused by the flu or a bacterial infection. MULLEIN FLOWER has been used for centuries in Europe as a symptomatic treatment for sore throats.

Never use any home remedy or other self-treatment without a doctor’s advice.

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