You’re about to discover something I honestly believe in


This is a concept that drives my marketing. This concept

keep making me a small fortune. Today I want

to share this concept with you.

“Shit can make you rich.”

Do not laugh. Let me explain.

The beauty of online marketing is that we can achieve


We can put some Google AdWords, generate traffic and

starting to get results in a matter of MINUTES.

Basically, I can write a sales letter, include a subscription form,

and create a small information product to sell, all in less than ONE HOUR

and get results.

Okay, so the product can absolutely suck. I mean, it sucks.

The sales letter can also be nothing but SHIT. And even if

someone DOES order, they will get that product that

it is CRAP and will most likely request a refund. Hell after all

I only dedicated an hour to everything.

But none of that matters. The GOLD is not in the shit itself, the

the gold is in the RESULTS.

Everything in marketing has a “cause and effect”: everything.

If you post WORST DAMN THAN EVER right now on a website,

something will happen. And those results are what eventually

generates a few hundred dollars a month in profit and eventually

produces several thousand dollars a month, and may eventually

create a small fortune.

Okay, maybe your conversion rate is initially 1 in 1,000.

It’s fine. With enough data, 1 in 1,000 will become

a solid average and that site will CONSISTENTLY produce 1 sale

out of every 1,000 visitors.

Hello, welcome to a CRAP conversion rate. 🙂

Hehe, but seriously …

The point is this. There is tremendous value in 1 in 1,000

visitor conversion rate, regardless of product price

it is. It doesn’t matter what the offer is. Why? Because it is GUARANTEED

that you can IMPROVE on it. Could you do it better. you

YOU CAN get MORE people to buy.

All you have to do is improve your marketing. Small change test.

Try some small tweaks. Improve little by little.

Get better RESULTS every time.

Here’s something I want you to engrave deep into your brain …

NEVER, that’s right, NEVER, will launch a site or any

marketing that will be even 10% “perfect”. You never

you’re going to launch a site that starts to convert 10%

ratio, much less 100%.

(And before you email me and tell me that a site

released at a 10% + conversion rate, I’m not talking about

the results of a strong endorsement that someone did for you. I am

speaking of an AVERAGE conversion rate of ALL

traffic sources pointing to your site).

So why spend SO MUCH TIME to get the latest

project launched? What the hell are you waiting for?

Know this … every day that passes without you throwing

his latest project is a day he could use to

test and IMPROVE what that project produces.

Yes, that means making more money.

Your project will never be perfect. You could always have done

is better. You could always have done this or that.


“The biggest trash ever created and released online

make more money than a near-perfect project than

it was never released. “

Is my point getting to you?

The biggest mistake entrepreneurs make is trying

make our little projects PERFECT before we’re ready

to launch them and see what they will do.

This may be the “kiss of death” for our businesses. Because

until we launch projects we do not obtain any RESULTS.

What you must realize is that the RESULTS are the greatest

ACTIVE for your online business. Even the BAD RESULTS.

Because the results are what tell us what is working and

what is not. And trust me, I’ve probably made MORE MONEY

from the results I discovered about things that were not working,

so don’t think it’s all about what works.

So learn how to produce projects in an ACCELERATED launch

calendar. Just take the fool to the version faster than

will allow you to start it up and start getting ANY result in

everybody. Then take the time to IMPROVE your results.

Let’s be honest. Many of our FLOP projects. Just past.

People just don’t buy enough of something to make it profitable.

So we must go ahead and work on another project. Get it out there

and see if you start making money. Repeating the

process over and over again.

But think about what I just said and realize something. If you

KNOW the reality that many of your projects will fail, why

Hell, are you taking so long to figure it out?

It’s probably the same reason I * have * delayed things often … FEAR.

I am AFRAID to see my “baby” fail, my special project. But since

we have already realized that the reality of business is

that some projects WILL FAIL, we just have to OVERCOME IT.

Put that CRAP together and run it! Without pulish. Without perfecting.

Ugly. Yeah, I say let the shit fly! (no, not that shit).

So launch your projects absolutely no doubt like

as fast as possible. Get SOME results. Any result. LATER

work to improve whatever those results are to increase

Your profits.

If you plan to do JVs with people for your new

product, or implementing an affiliate program for it, the


(as I’ll call it) definitely works.

This is how it is used …

You build your website and product as fast as

possible. Go to Google and buy some AdWords traffic

to mark the site. Start tracking results, it doesn’t matter

what they are. Make changes and TEST. Continually

work to improve the results of the site.

When you can successfully convert your site

level, then and only then proceed to arm JV

deals and actually roll out the product.

You know, the biggest kiss of death for an online marketer

may be launching a product with JV partners WITHOUT having

first tested and improved a site’s conversion. Do you believe

your JV partners are going to promote your next project

if the initial FLOPS completely and does not

Any money? Absolutely not.


1. Create and throw trash.

2. Put that shit to the test.

3. Improve that shit.

4. Make money from junk that eventually turns into junk.

Seriously. Do not laugh. This process works. And again.

It has made me rich.

Learn it. Live it up. Love it. Let shit make you rich.

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