Having a wedding is an expense that not everyone can afford, although the lucky ones are usually not prepared for the expenses that await them.

From the top of my head I could already think of various costs; wedding cars, wedding dresses, accommodation, reception, church and other clothes, etc.

The fact is that a wedding is going to cost you a bomb, and preparing to bear such painful costs in exchange for a special day is not exactly motivating; however, I am sure your future wife would greatly appreciate it.

To be prepared …

Considering that the average cost of a wedding is around £ 20,000, it will not exactly be a cheap option, so before rushing to the wedding, it is worth pausing and thinking about the financial costs of the celebration. After all, you don’t want the cost of your wedding to swallow your wallet and leave you in financial distress for the rest of your days, that would be a waste.

Borrowing is a no no

If possible, completely avoid borrowing money because you don’t want to start your married life in debt or have to pay off loans that could have been avoided.

Know your budget, spend it wisely

Once you’ve identified your budget, the goal is to calculate all of your wedding costs and what you can actually spend without putting yourself in a financial crisis. First, needs must be met; cars, rings, cakes, etc. Also discuss between you and your fiancée and agree on what you want and what would be ideal. Considering that the cost of a venue can take a large part, if not half, of your budget, so be sure to choose your location wisely.

Discipline your expenses

When buying items for your wedding, you need to be disciplined in your spending – after all, it is no good buying a £ 500 cake that the guests cannot eat. Before investing in expensive products you should ask yourself if it will be reused or if you can find another purpose for it, in addition to this, is it worth the expense or could the money be better spent? (eg, would it be worth paying £ 500 for the £ 500 cake?) And finally, is there a cheaper alternative? You should always shop around and pay the least amount possible for something, as this is a great way to cut costs or stay within your budget.

Sometimes we all have to make sacrifices

Although most people will have to cut their budget to ensure it is affordable, additional sacrifices still have to be made, such as reducing the costs of regular spending. If your wedding date is a year away, you can figure out how to save costs by breaking them down. That is, if you smoke 20 cigarettes a day, try cutting down to 15 or even 10 cigarettes a day and you will save half the cost.

(20 cigarettes = an average of £ 7.00, halved = £ 3.50, £ 3.50×365 = £ 1,277.5) You can save over a thousand pounds in the space of a year without having to give up anything that he enjoys.

The end result may be that you did not manage to have the wedding of your dreams, however, this means that your budget will remain intact and you will not spend more than what is affordable.

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