Wii Fit is a combination of physical activity and fun, designed for everyone, young and old. By playing Wii Fit a little every day, you, your friends, and your family can work toward personal goals for better health and fitness. And lose some weight? YES

So can you lose weight with Wii Fit? That’s the million dollar question? YES, DEFINITELY. As long as you use it regularly and with proper training, with 4-5 regular 45 minute workouts per week you will reach your weight loss goals and get fit and have fun doing it.

But just as important is the type of training you choose. Many people have reported that Wii Fit didn’t help them lose weight or get in shape and there are 2 reasons for this: they didn’t exercise regularly and when they did they used the wrong exercise. So here’s how to lose weight using your new Christmas present (and I’m assuming you routinely exercise 5 times a week for a minimum of 45 minutes a week):

Rule 1: Balancing games are fun but they don’t really help so they aren’t part of the routine. They should only be used as a break after completing aerobic training. So after you complete the 10-minute advanced step program, you can use a balance game to catch your breath. But other than that, they shouldn’t be part of your regular routine. Or after you’ve lost your five pounds for the week, you can reward yourself with a 10-minute game of soccer goalie. But people who complained about not losing weight spent too much time playing balance games. They help hand-eye coordination, but they do nothing to help you reach your weight loss goals. Avoid them or do extras beyond your normal training.

Rule 2: Do 3 aerobic exercises each session. Whether it’s boxing, stepping, running, or hoola hoops, make sure you do at least 3 aerobic programs. And go as far as the system allows you. So once the aerobic steps allow you to complete 5 minutes instead of 3 minutes, always go ahead and complete the extra time. And alternate between the aerobics and the other programs. For example, start with a long run, then do a couple of “yoga” exercises, followed by aerobic boxing and then maybe a strength program and then go back to a step program. The key is to choose the exercises you like, but alternate with at least half of your time doing aerobics and no balance games.

Rule 3: Balance the rest of the session with yoga and strength exercises.

Rule 4: Train at least every other day and at least 5 times a week, but only complete the body test every other training session. Tracking your results is great, but everyday is too often. Following this routine I have lost 20 pounds in 7 weeks and 26 pounds in 16 weeks. He is averaging 3 pounds per week with several weeks of 5 pound weight loss. In conclusion, it works. But like any exercise, it only works if the person using it is willing to put in the effort. I could have achieved the same results just by doing sit-ups and push-ups every day and going for a run. However, I don’t realistically think he would have had enough motivation to do that. It works because it shows me every day how much I weigh, how much time I’ve put in, and how well I’m doing my exercises. It also keeps fantastic logs that I can look back on and makes graphs that show my progress (or lack thereof). The balance board is nothing magical. Just standing on it doesn’t give you a better body. You have to put in the time. What Wii Fit tries to do is make that moment enjoyable, and for me it achieved that goal. I did the work: he helped me record it, made it fun, and motivated me.

The Wii Balance Board is more than a scale

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