Relationships can have their fair share of conflict and problems in any normal situation. Let’s face it, even so-called healthy relationships have had their fair share of ups and downs. And with long-distance relationships, you can’t rule out the chances that at some point you might fall out with your partner. Bluntly, the distance can cause a huge chasm between two inseparable lovebirds. No wonder the cliche “out of sight is out of mind”

Of course, there are pros and cons to long distance relationships. First of all, a long distance relationship can actually help the relationship between you and your man grow stronger each day as you constantly miss each other and try to do things that bridge the gap between you.

However, the not-so-sexy part of long-distance relationships is being out of sight of your partner. In the most extreme cases, this can make you disappear from their mind pretty quickly, and we don’t want that, do we? Of course not! That is why this article is very timely. In this article, you will get all the relationship tips you need to put some spark in your long distance relationship.

Here are some really useful relationship tips that will make your long distance boyfriend fall for you seamlessly, even from miles away. Hopefully he will understand this and place your relationship among some of the best healthy relationships out there.

Prepare yourself before your departure.

Saying goodbye to your lover can be heartbreaking, to say the least, but you don’t need to look slovenly and haggard because he’s drifting too far away from you. To make him feel like staying behind instead of leaving, do something about your appearance; Get yourself a sexy new hairstyle, or go to the beauticians for a facial to make your skin glow. Treat yourself to a new wardrobe, some nice new shoes, a sexy dress, and a flattering top that you look and feel great in. Look good for him, even at the airport, as you say goodbye to him, let him know exactly who you are leaving behind. Your boyfriend will surely experience more interest in you than ever before with your new look and all.

Curb the desire to call him every day.

Yes, the phone is all you have that connects the two of you now and it’s normal to feel driven to always be in touch with it. However, you’ll be overreacting if you call or text him every minute! Trust me, guys sometimes want their space. So instead of liking you more, he will just get irritated by your constant calls. So back off a bit (it’s all for your own good). It’s okay to let your call go to voicemail from time to time or delay responding to your text message. When you wait a few hours before calling him you will get better results. I’m sure he will be very excited to hear your voice, why? Because he has really missed you!

Let him know you’re having fun.

Do you want to show your beau that he is missing out on a lot? Go shopping with your girlfriends, go clubbing, go to the movies, do something adventurous while your boyfriend is away, and be sure to take selfies! Share these images with him later, giving him a subtle hint that he’s just having fun and not depressed. That will put him on his toes if he really loves you. Do that often and your man might catch the next available flight back because he loves you so much.

Make use of social platforms that allow him to see your face.

In today’s world of modern technology, there is practically nothing you can’t do on the Internet. This is to your advantage, so make the most of all the communication options that allow you to talk to your partner every day. To this end, social media platforms like Snapchat and Facebook have proven to be very rewarding. All you need to do is set a date to talk to each other on any of these platforms, and don’t forget to dress up to look gorgeous as he will see you!

Don’t make use of jealousy.

If you want to have a healthy relationship with your man, even at a distance, it is not recommended that you use jealousy to make your man miss you or love you more.

It’s safe to let him know you’re having a good time while he’s away from you, but don’t rub anything in his face to make him jealous. This won’t make your long distance boyfriend love you, he’ll just feel insecure in his relationship with you, and that could be the beginning of the end for your relationship, long distance or otherwise.

I hope this relationship advice was exciting. Experiment with them and you will definitely present your relationship as one of the healthy relationships that your partners will look to emulate.

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