Both Razor’s line of electric scooters and scooter line can hit pretty good speeds. There are many ways to keep your scooter up to speed for longer. Your scooter can have a very long life if you take good care of it. Scooters will continue to ride smooth and fast, and electric scooters will last longer and travel faster and farther if you take good care of them.

If you have a scooter, you probably already know that they can really take a beating for the whole ride. If you try tricks, your scooter takes even more hits. The more wear and tear on your scooter, the shorter its lifespan and the slower its ride. One of the first things you can do if you feel your scooter creeping slowly is to change the wheels and bearings. I know this sounds simple, but new wheels can really help improve the speed of your scooter. You can also practice new riding techniques. Keep your body close to the scooter to reduce wind resistance. Make sure to always store your scooter inside a garage or house. This will help the scooter last much longer. If your scooter gets rained on or left outside in the cold, it could affect the overall smoothness of the ride. You don’t want mud or rust to get on major steering or steering wheel components.

If you own an electric scooter, you know that there are many more things that can go wrong with the electric scooter to hamper performance. That is why the way you take care of your electric scooter is more important than the way you take care of a scooter. First of all, always store your scooter indoors. You never want to leave an electric scooter outside because if rain gets into the battery or cables it could be very bad. Any type of physical damage has the potential to slow down your scooter. Battery care is also very important. It is good practice to drive your scooter until the battery is completely depleted. Then recharge the battery to 100% before reassembling. This will prolong the life of your electric scooter and thus keep you riding faster for longer. If your scooter gets really dirty, especially from the mechanics, then just wipe the dirt off before you finish. When mud or dirt dries, it can become dusty and get into the small parts of your engine more easily, so clean your scooter if it gets dirty. To drive faster, always make sure your wheels are good and if they need to be replaced, replace them. Now that you’ve kept your scooter in good shape, you want to get on it and drive faster. Some good techniques to ride faster are to keep your body close to the scooter to reduce wind resistance. Try to ride the smoothest path and obviously riding downhill will always improve your speed. Remember to always be safe and have fun driving fast on your razor scooter.

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