The elderberry (or Sambucus Nigra) has long been associated with summer in the British Isles and as such is regularly seen growing in the UK, along with places further afield such as Europe and North America. It has a long history of use in a variety of home recipes, medicines, and cosmetics, including teas, cold and flu remedies, and the ever-popular Elderflower Cordial. So how can you make the most of this free reward?

Elderflowers start to bloom in late May (in the UK) in good weather, and are abundant throughout June. Elderflowers are best picked on a dry day when the flowers are dry, so avoid picking them when they are wet from rain or morning dew. You want the flowers to open, but if they start to brown, it’s too late. Cut the main stem, rather than trying to pull it out or pinch it, as this avoids damaging the crop and the plant itself. You should also avoid crushing them once collected: a wicker basket is ideal, though placing them in a carry bag works too (just don’t crush them there!).

Remember, you never want to leave a tree bare, or there won’t be any berries to harvest later in the year. As a rule of thumb, only take what you would use; more is a waste.

If used fresh, I would recommend using them within 24 hours at most, otherwise they will start to brown and die. Storing them in a cool, dark room or garage until they are used is usually sufficient.

Alternatively, if you want to store them for use later in the week or want them to last all year, drying them would be a better option. You spread them out on trays in a cool, airy space and they’ll dry in a matter of hours. They will lose some of their color this way, but will fill the room with their lovely honey scent as they dry. It is up to personal preference to remove the flowers from the stems before or after drying.

Once dry, you can gently rub the flowers off the stems (if they weren’t removed before drying) and then store them in brown paper bags or glass jars, away from direct sunlight. They will be kept for one year; after this time it is better to make a new batch to replace them.

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