When it comes to blemishes and acne, the right home remedies for pimple are actually very effective when you’re struck by a breakout. Are you fed up and depressed because you can’t get rid of those beastly spots that plague you?

Are you losing your self-confidence and self-esteem because of them? Well, at least you’re certainly not alone. Ugly acne blemishes are the curse of most teenagers and some adults too.

You can help your skin considerably by using some easy-to-find and easy-to-prepare home remedies, as well as following some common-sense advice.

If we are going to deal with this problem, it is good to know what acne pimples are and how they develop in the first place, then we can look at three effective home remedies.

Acne vulgaris makes its presence uncomfortably known to you, forming not only pimples, but also blackheads, superficial sebaceous cysts and, if left untreated, scarring the skin. They mostly break out anywhere on the face, temples, chest or back.

Some of the causes are excessive consumption of sugar, fried foods and excess starch. This results in what is known in Chinese medicine as internal dampness, which eventually breaks out in the form of cysts, blackheads, and pimples.

Chronic constipation can be a major contributing factor in the digestive system becoming more clogged, causing toxins to be reabsorbed into the bloodstream.

Since the skin is an alternative elimination channel closely linked to the intestines, any constipation can cause the body to use the skin as a secondary outlet for toxin excretion, hence the appearance of pimples and spots that appear on it.

In addition to these, there are the raging hormones of adolescence that add to the clogging of the sebaceous glands.

To make a significant difference, you really need to introduce lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. With their natural fiber, they help move food through the digestive tract more efficiently and remove waste from the intestine, leaving it cleaner. Reduce chewing of junk food: sweets, cakes, chocolate and other high-sugar carbohydrate foods. They clog the system and have you realized that you want to keep eating them?

Zinc-rich foods or taking a zinc supplement have often produced dramatic improvement. A good indication of a zinc deficiency is the presence of white patches on the nails. Zinc is great, but it’s wise to consult your doctor or nutritionist for advice not to overdose and deplete your body of copper.

I have found that the topical use of oats on affected skin is very effective. Make a paste with fine oats and warm water and spread it over the skin, leaving it on for as long as possible. This relieves inflammation around the acne area and at the same time helps the body release its toxins through the pores in the skin, allowing them to ‘breathe’. The daily or weekly use of oatmeal paste can cause a very noticeable improvement. I consider this to be one of the best home remedies for pimples.

There are many simple and effective treatments you can use that are safe and non-toxic, without having to resort to some of the more invasive over-the-counter chemical treatments.

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