With gas prices hitting record highs, many people are struggling just to get to work and recover their current wages. Luckily, there is a simple solution that thousands of people discover every day. By simply using water, gas mileage could be improved by up to 40%, according to some reports.

How can I use water to improve gas mileage? Are you psycho?

I’ve been known to go a little crazy at times, but that’s beside the point. I’m here to tell you, water = gas mileage! It’s no secret that hydrogen is a powerful and clean fuel source, but making hydrogen engines and vehicles is currently a bit too expensive for the big automakers to put into widespread circulation, leaving us “high and dry.” , so to speak.

GOAL, you’re in luck! By passing a current of electricity through water (a process commonly known as electrolysis), a reaction occurs that generates a hydrogen-based gas called HHO. HHO gas is actually a mixture of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms of water, it changes to a gaseous state after separating from each other. This HHO gas is why the water = gas mileage equation makes sense.

So does water actually turn into hydrogen gas?

Exactly! Now you’re realizing. Hydrogen gas does not completely replace the use of gasoline. The idea is to supplement your use of gasoline and improve your fuel economy at the same time. Ready for something even better? There are currently no commercial units available that work in the same way or produce the same results as a good old fashioned home installation. An HHO generator can be easily built using standard, inexpensive parts from the hardware store. In most cases, all you will need is a water reservoir such as a pitcher, some wires to power the generator, some tubing to direct the flow of HHO gas to the engine, and possibly some small hose fittings and mounting hardware. to securely mount the unit in the engine compartment. And don’t forget the improvements in fuel and water consumption, they will usually be noticeable immediately.

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