WordPress is one of the most popular blogging tools and is used by bloggers all over the world. It is actually used by almost seventeen percent of top websites as well as twenty-two percent of children’s websites. If you want to know how to use WordPress, be sure to check out this article.

The first step to using WordPress is to install the software. Most hosting sites like Bluehost and Hostgator offer a very simple WordPress installation system. Just go to the dashboard and then scroll down to the WordPress icon. After clicking on it, a few installation fields should be filled in, however after a few seconds you should be able to use WordPress with ease.

After installing WordPress, you want to navigate to your blog URL. You must have a simple page set up for WordPress. You want to go to the login button on that page which should redirect you to the WordPress login screen. Here you enter the username and password that you specified in the installation. After logging in, you should see the WordPress dashboard. This is where you start using your WordPress software.

Once you are on the dashboard, go to the posts section. You will then see a “post page”. Here you can enter your title, content, tags, categories and more. You can then save the post as a draft or publish it on your new website. You can also create pages by navigating to the page section in the WordPress dashboard. Pages are very similar to WordPress posts. However, pages do not have a category or date, whereas WordPress posts do.

One of the most important parts of your WordPress blog is your theme. As a website owner who wants to attract traffic and users, you want to have a clean and beautiful theme. A theme can be downloaded via your hard drive, where WordPress can extract it and use it on your blog.

Plugins are also very important for WordPress blogs. Most plugins are free and vary widely. Some can help you place ads on your websites. Others can block spam comments and malware. Others help with your search engine optimization. To install a plugin, you need to navigate to the plugin in the sidebar section. There you can check your current plugins, update them, suspend them or remove them completely. To install a plugin, simply navigate to the “add new” section and search for the plugin you want.

Finally, through WordPress you can maximize your SEO. SEO, also known as search engine optimization, affects how your pages rank on Google. A better ranking in Google drives more visitors and traffic to your site. To optimize your SEO, you should set up your permalink structure to be based on the post name, not a random number. You also want to set up categories and place posts in the proper category.

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