As we continue to navigate this “new” normal, the networks have definitely changed. We are reimagining how we connect (in person and virtually). Also, how we foster meaningful relationships. Network experts are learning the nuances associated with these changing, challenging and difficult times. One way to stay consistent and advance our networking efforts is to consider the role of “membership” within our networks. How does this motivate our desire to move forward? How can this influence our networks? How can this be a priority to build quality relationships?

Let’s delve into the importance of membership and how we can use it in our networking plan.

By definition

The online definition of membership is: the human emotional need to be an accepted member of a group. Whether it’s family, friends, co-workers, a religion, or something else, people tend to have an “inherent” desire to belong and be an important part of something bigger than themselves. (Wikipedia) Associated synonyms include, but are not limited to: sympathy, closeness, association, relationship, affinity, affiliation, link, inclusion, connections, etc. Within our networks, do these words align with our mission, groups / memberships, partners, etc.? Being able to belong or connect is essential to position ourselves with these networks. It is a vital piece of the puzzle and guides / directs our networking paths.

By fundamental value

In addition to understanding the definition of membership, it is also critical to align it with our core values ​​for networking. Being intentional, having a plan, and being active in our networks ensures that “belonging” can be properly nurtured. The best thing to do is make a list of our personal / professional core values. Review them, if necessary, and make a conscious effort to use them in our strategies. Maintaining consistency with our mission, purpose and vision for our network equates to continued success.

By design

In addition to incorporating “membership” into our general networking methods, be sure to use it as a mechanism for setting up the appropriate networks. What people or organizations do you value and want to report? Are their goals, values, and missions similar to yours? How do you “show” and present your brand, both internally and externally? Designing a viable network takes time and great consideration. Being aware of the company you keep influences your behaviors, intentions, and image.

Use these helpful tips to instill ownership into your networking practices. Be intentional, determined, and mindful when developing relationships. Rely on good judgment, core values, and the strategic plan to develop the right goals.

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