Most people love food, whether they admit it or not. And many of us don’t mind a drop of nostalgia from time to time, either. Combine the two and you have a recipe for one of those “I remember my grandmother making the most delicious apple pie from the fruit tree in the garden” moments. In fact, there are plenty of old wives’ tales out there about food, and we’re not the only ones interested in them.

Doctors and various other experts are digging up old sayings and brandishing them on the Internet and in newspapers and magazines. Traditional wisdom is suddenly cool, or at least worth a second look. And many of the tips are about food and drink! Whether it’s chicken soup for colds (surprisingly, it works) or beer to cheer up a nursing baby (don’t try this at home), there’s something for everyone.

So our mothers and grandmothers knew more than we give them credit for when it comes to eating? Let’s see…

Alcohol affects women more than men – TRUE. Women do not have as much alcohol metabolizing enzyme as men; they retain more alcohol in the bloodstream and stomach. So a man and a woman of similar size can drink the same amount, but the effect on the woman will be greater and last longer – drink sensibly girls!

An apple a day keeps the doctor away – TRUE. Apples are full of antioxidants (and fiber) and may reduce our risk of breast and colon cancer, as well as keep us away from the doctor.

Eating cardamom cures garlic breath – TRUE. This seems to work, chew a whole cardamom pod until only the husk remains, then spit it out (discreetly).

Eating carrots improves eyesight – true and false. Eating carrots won’t prevent night blindness, but it may help reduce the chance of age-related macular degeneration.

Chocolate gives you acne. – false. No food has been proven to cause acne, which is caused by clogging of pores, but eating too much chocolate will make you fat.

Coffee slows down your growth – false. Coffee doesn’t affect growth, but too much caffeine can prevent you from absorbing calcium and some other nutrients.

Cranberry juice prevents cystitis – TRUE. Cranberries inhibit the spread of cystitis-causing bacteria by preventing them from sticking to the bladder, just like cranberries.

Eat your scabs, they’re good for you – TRUE. The crust of the bread contains eight times more antioxidants than the rest of the bread. But eating them won’t make your hair frizzy or your teeth whiter.

Fish is brain food. – TRUE. Fish and shellfish contain omega-3s and zinc, which are linked to slowing the rate of cognitive decline, so try to eat fish once or twice a week.

It is better to eat fruit alone or after a meal. – TRUE. Fruit is digested more quickly than other foods, so eating it during a meal can cause it to start fermenting in the colon, which can cause bloating and flatulence.

Eating grapefruit will increase your metabolism and burn fat – false. No food burns fat, but grapefruit is low in calories and packed with nutrients.

If you swallow gum, it takes seven years to digest it. – false. It passes right through your system, along with any other non-food foreign bodies.

Oysters are the food of love. – true and false. Oysters do not increase libido, but they are rich in zinc, which can aid fertility in both men and women.

Red wine is good for you. – true and false. Red wine may stop clogged arteries, but that doesn’t mean you can drink gallons (one glass a day is all you need) and red instead of white.

Spicy foods cause ulcers – false. Bacterial infections or overuse of certain medications cause ulcers, not spicy food, although spices can aggravate an existing ulcer.

spinach makes you strong – false. Spinach contains iron, but it also contains oxalic acid which discourages iron absorption.

Eating sweets and snacks rots your teeth – true and false. It depends on what you’re eating, the stickier it is, the longer it stays on your teeth and gums, giving it a chance to form tooth-destroying acids. Things like candy and chocolate shouldn’t cause cavities, as they are easily washed out of the mouth by saliva. But eat crackers, biscuits, cookies, peanut butter, toffee, sugar-coated cereal, and other stickier snacks and you should be brushing your teeth sooner rather than later!

Water hydrates you better than other drinks – false. There is no significant difference in the moisturizing properties of water, coffee, tea, or soft drinks; they all contain mostly water anyway. But sugary or fizzy drinks won’t help your teeth or your waistline.

Surprisingly, half of the 22 adages above are actually based on fact. So Granny really knew his onions!

For a healthy dinner tonight, you could try some baked fish with carrots and a hot crusty roll as a side, perhaps with a glass (just one!) of red wine. And if you feel hungry later, how about a fruit salad with apples and berries? Your mom will be so proud of you…

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