In today’s fast-paced hustle and bustle, you may feel overwhelmed by all that needs to be accomplished in a day, especially during a busy holiday season. A feeling of overwhelm will set in where you simply cannot decide what to do or how to do it to achieve your personal and professional goals. You’re stuck in analysis paralysis and don’t know what steps to take to get unstuck. Or you would simply like to focus more on what will give you the greatest return on your investment of time. If these scenarios sound familiar to you, you are not alone. When you get stuck, stuck, indecision because switching back and forth between so many possibilities, your energy gets blocked. Blocked energy is a clear sign that you have fallen out of the natural progressive flow of life experience. You haven’t taken the time to sort through your choices and the values ​​they represent.

In order to get back into the productive and satisfying flow of fully expressing your full potential, you need to access your inner guidance system that is your birthright. You can call this personal GPS your Higher Self, Inner Self, Divine Force or whatever seems right to you. I jokingly call it the Inner Magician.

When you connect with your inner power, you get in touch with a deeper understanding of yourself, how your life works, and how to master your mind, body, spirit, and emotions in everyday life. Who you want to become, what you want to do, and what you want to have as your last life experience becomes clear. The energy and thoughts of the scattered mind become aligned and clear. Flow is restored.

When you return to your natural flow, you can hear and feel the Inner Magician. This is the voice of your truth, your intuition. Listen and trust this personal reservoir of wisdom to know, specifically, what tasks to do that day to achieve or come closer to achieving major results that will make your heart sing. You don’t really need to become your own foreman because you already have one inside of you.

Here are 5 steps to tapping into your own inner wisdom and foreman:

1. Order

Clean all areas of your life. Clean your desktop. If you don’t have a dedicated desk or workspace, create one. Having a place to work and organize is essential. Pay your debts or make promises to pay the ones you owe. Clean your house, closets and car. Clear up any miscommunication you have with people in your professional and personal life. Clutter, whether in your mind or in your space, creates stuck energy, creates overwhelm. By cleaning up your clutter, you are clearing the track for the future you yearn for.

2. Ask what your higher self wants.

Be clear about what you really want to achieve. Let go of the “shoulds” that you tell yourself or allow others to wrongly impose on you. Look inside yourself to reveal what you really want to achieve. Make sure it’s a true desire or you’ll get stuck in a pattern of having to make the same stressful decisions every day or even give up trying.

Ask what will bring you fulfillment, satisfaction, joy, and inspiration in your personal and professional life. Write these wishes as a mission statement. Admit it with every fiber of your being. Remember your mission every day.

3. Set daily intentions

As you reaffirm your mission statement, ask yourself what 5 things you can do today (or the next day if you set intentions the night before) that will bring you closer to your goals, accomplishing your mission. Anything that does not bring you closer to achieving your desired results is not a priority. Daily responsibilities will fall into this category, as reneging on responsibility will only serve to clutter your mind and space once again.

4. Take action

Act according to your intentions. Start with a small step. Then take another step. It will soon be up and running. Some people prefer to get the most challenging task off their hands early in the morning so that it is ‘done’. This sense of accomplishment energizes them to easily complete the remaining intentional tasks of the day.

5. Examine your experience At the end of each day, review your stated intentions. What did you achieve? Congratulate yourself for being your own foreman and getting closer to your goal, if you don’t. What was not done? Without judgment, examine your day to find out what got in the way of completing your goal. Did you find excuses and reasons (FEAR) to get in your own way, to fall back into old habits? Gain a new and better perspective that will get you back in the flow. Set your intentions for the next day.

As your own foreman, you will live an empowered and purposeful life. In the life-affirming energetic flow, you will naturally propel yourself towards your desired destination. Your vision is written, the plan is set, and nothing stands in the way of the full expression of your potential in any area of ​​your life.

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