Home Kitchen

Indian luxury trains

India, the land of countless shades and colors, never ceases to amaze you. The seventh largest nation in the world, bounded by the mighty Himalayas in the north and caressed by the sparkling Indian Ocean in the south, India is a paradise for tourists.Its rich flora and fauna; ancient cultures and traditions; delicious cuisines; imposing forts and havelis from a

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How can you lower your auto insurance deductible?

Many people raise their auto insurance deductibles in order to have more affordable auto insurance premiums. By doubling your insurance deductibles, you can reduce the price of your premiums by up to 40%.However, this is only a good idea if you have money saved to pay the deductible if you are in an at-fault accident. If you can't easily access

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Digital Marketing

Citation Styles: A Guide for Self-Publishers

Why is it so important to cite our sources?Citing your sources is a highly respected form of professional courtesy and also your duty as an editor. You must give credit where credit is due. Therefore, when using someone else's words or ideas, it is essential to cite that person's work. If your sources are not cited correctly, you could be

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Can I represent myself against foreclosure fraud? Yes, it’s called Pro Se: "Myself"

"DON'T FIGHT AGAINST THE PROBLEM... DECIDE IT""George C Marshall"Nearly every borrower who contacted me about an impending or actual foreclosure believed it was imperative that they find an attorney to represent them in a foreclosure court action. For three years I believed the same thing. Many judges will suggest it so strongly that a borrower believes it is actually a

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Legal Law

Negotiation Strategy Vs Tactics

I have been studying, practicing and teaching martial arts for over twenty-five years. This includes time spent in the United States Army and living in Japan and Korea studying martial arts there. Two important concepts that I have studied, taught, and written about in a martial or military format are equally important when teaching negotiation. These concepts are strategy and

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Lifestyle Fashion

How to Protect New Piercings While Tanning

Fashion is something that virtually everyone can identify with, be it a man, woman or child. One of the oldest fashion trends for both genders is shallow piercings. Body piercing dates back to the beginning of humanity, from the ancient Egyptians with stretched out earlobes and lower lips, to ornamental tribal piercings and similar body modifications. Although these civilizations primarily

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Real Estate

What class of asset?

The simplest asset class classification is into shares, fixed interest, property, or cash. Those classifications can be divided into numerous sub-classes such as houses, units, offices, factories (property) or even houses in the United States, Queensland, Perth, etc. What may surprise many investors is that the actual property you choose is not the most important decision! It is much less

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