Legal Law

Avoiding online trademark infringement and counterfeiting starts with awareness

Trademarks act to identify the source of a particular good or service. To be effective and drive sales, they generally need to be visible to a certain segment of consumers. On the Internet, such "visibility" can be achieved through various search engine optimization and marketing techniques. Discussed below are several ways unscrupulous infringers trade in the trademarks, trade names, and

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Lifestyle Fashion

Types of hairdressing services

In decades past, hairdressing services were mainly reserved for women, as they are typically more concerned with their appearance than men. However, nowadays even men have become more and more conscious about their grooming, so these services apply to men as well. There are different types of hairdressing services, usually offered based on individual preferences. Also, these services have increased

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Real Estate

Net Loan Modification Branch

If you are looking for a net loan modification branch, here are some recommendations based on experience.In my business, I deal with people in this industry every day, and have seen people fail in business in just a few months, while others continue to generate $100k+/mo income streams, though obviously personal results vary. While I do mention possible income in

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Understanding Basketball Positions

Now, in the game of basketball, each player that plays on the court is assigned a position such as point guard, shooting guard, forward, power forward, and center.Here is a definition so you can more easily understand how the positions work.Point guard: In general, the point guard can be considered the shortest player on the team, but that does not

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Tours Travel

The ins and outs of traveling

Traveling is a popular activity and pastime that many people enjoy year-round, as they can explore faraway lands or simply investigate the nooks and crannies of their own local backyard. To get the most out of any adventure on the road, in the sky, or on the water, it's important to do your research thoroughly, prepare properly, and above all,

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How to delete online social media accounts that are no longer in use

Protecting your online identity is essential to your brand, reputation, and creditworthiness—much more important than updating your Instagram and Facebook every day. Several times a year, the news will cover a serious data breach of information held by major banks, insurance companies, and/or social media platforms. Once the data is taken, it can be misused or even lead to identity

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How do online payment gateways work?

An online payment gateway links a commercial/transactional portal or website and usually a bank. This process begins when the cardholder enters their data after making a purchase on the website. The information is then encrypted on the cardholder's web browser side and sent securely to the merchant's website. In this stage, the encrypted information is forwarded from the merchant's server

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