Who has time to exercise after a full day at work, manage their children’s extracurricular activities, homework, bath and other daily routines, walk the dog, cook a [healthy?] dinner for the family and so on ad nauseam? Well you do, do it like this!

Yes, I KNOW that you are busy, stressed and have too little time already. However, exercise is essential to your health and should be considered a mandatory part of your weekly, if not daily, routine. Unfortunately, personal fitness is often the first thing busy moms sacrifice when overloaded and under pressure. Ironically, it’s exercise that will really help you deal more effectively with the physical and psychological demands of a hectic life.

Even just a few 10-minute sessions a day can lead to increased stamina, as well as a long list of benefits for mind, body, and spirit. Here are some ways that exercise can boost the energy level of modern moms:

o Let go of guilt and schedule your exercise time. In short, don’t ignore your personal needs. Exercise is one of the best ways to not only improve your energy but also preserve your sanity. If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t have energy or patience for anyone else.

o Exercise first thing in the morning to start the day energized: Your chances of sticking to your program are significantly increased if you exercise in the morning compared to later in the day when excuses and fatigue take over. Your metabolism will be elevated for 7+ hours after a one-hour morning workout, so you’ll have more energy to get you through the day.

o Add activity to your work day: To renew your vigor in the daily grind, find a better way to commute to work, such as walking, biking, parking within a mile of the office, or getting off an early train stop. You’ll still be full of natural endorphins while everyone else is working on their second cup of coffee. Eliminating some of the modern conveniences can burn up to 800 extra calories per week.

o Choose healthy and nutritious foods: You are more likely to eat healthier foods if you exercise. The last thing you want to do is eat a heavy meal after your blood is pumping through your veins. Ultimately, eating more nutritious foods along with regular exercise will lead to weight loss, which will decrease the demands on your body and dramatically increase your energy and self-esteem.

o Drink plenty of water – stay hydrated before, during and after exercise. Your body is made up mostly of water, and while water has no calories to provide energy, it contributes to weight loss and helps your digestive system. Drinking large amounts of water will keep toxins out of your body.

o Find creative ways to integrate family time with exercise. Your entire family will be healthier and more energized as a result of physical activity. Don’t be a bystander on the playground. Get up and join the activities by pushing a jogging stroller, hitting the hiking trails, running the bases, biking around the neighborhood, climbing the jungle gym, or swimming in the lake. As a bonus, your kids will think you’re cool.

o Get your zzz’s: Regular exercise will lead to higher quality sleep and require less sleep. If you exercise early in the day, you’ll naturally be tired by bedtime and have no trouble falling into a deep sleep.

o Try yoga: Increase your energy levels and your ability to focus with the deep breathing techniques used in yoga. Yoga builds balance, coordination, strength, and is also energizing and wonderfully stress-relieving. Perfect to relax after an ultra hectic day!

o Exercise will help strengthen you against colds and flu: People who participate in a regular exercise program are less likely to catch a cold or become weak from one. Athletes report faster symptoms and recoveries from colds.

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