How do we make efforts to protect our inner man? The inner man is the real you. What steps can we take to combat the many negative forces in this life? We’ll cover some of the positive things we can do to protect our inner man, in other words, the real you. In this world there are visible and invisible forces at work most of the time, even if we are not aware of it. Time, believe it or not, makes no difference. It is what it is.

One of the first things necessary to protect our interior is to realize that we need protection. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of the many secret agendas that are unfolding on our earth today. We must realize that everyone here is not here to do good deeds. Once we acquire this mentality, we will be able to move forward a little better. We must try to maintain awareness of this key point.

Daily scripture reading can give us a source of inner strength. This force will help us protect our inner man. We should try to read a few pages of scripture each morning. I think this is the best time to read, maybe it will be the same for you. This practice helps set the mind on a solid foundation for the challenges of the day. This will help us stay mentally grounded. Also, the mind will begin to focus on positive thoughts. With just this small step we can put a strong fence around us.

We can also protect our inner man by staying away from negative people. We all know that it is not possible to stay away from negative people all the time. Because the reality is that a negative person can be a spouse, a boss, a preacher or a loved one. If you can’t limit your time with a few negative people, try also having a positive thought for every negative thought they throw. For example, they say “I know you can’t do it”, we say something positive to ourselves, maybe a scripture or make a positive statement to ourselves, eg Phil: 4:13 “I can do all things through Yahshua” . the Messiah who strengthens me”.

Perhaps one of the biggest areas we need protection from is listening to certain types of music. Some music may seem innocent, but it is far from it. If we are not careful, some of these letters will enter our minds and wreak havoc. Music can be so subtle that the listener is often caught off guard. This allows words and thoughts to penetrate our minds without hindrance. what do we do? What is the solution? We should build an inner wall to protect ourselves. Look at some of the music for what it is, deadly poison to our inner man. We should always try to stay on our guard about all music until we have determined its purpose.

Finally, we have to learn to think or meditate on positive thoughts. We have to push our minds and direct them towards love for our neighbor. When we protect our inner man, we are also helping to protect our fellow man. We become part of the solution and not part of the problem. It is our duty to continue thinking well, loving well and living well.

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