Everyone has heard the old expression “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” The idea of ​​getting something free online automatically has anyone with the slightest skepticism wondering what the problem is. Is it really possible to get free stuff online without giving out any billing information? The short answer is yes, it is possible. You really can get free samples of shampoo, makeup, toothpaste, soap, and pretty much anything the average person uses. Often times, big brand name companies will post legitimate free sample offers on their websites. To request a sample you only need to fill in your information and press send. They will have a designated number of free samples to distribute and it will be on a first come, first serve basis. They won’t charge for shipping and will send you free samples of their products in the mail.

What’s the trick?

The problem is that you can never really be sure if a sample you request will actually show up. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. There are several factors that go into whether you will actually be sent a free sample. The first and most important factor is the offer. Businesses have a limited supply of free samples to give out, so when they reach that number, there may be thousands of people who haven’t received their sample yet. Also another factor that will influence whether or not a sample will arrive is the location. The shipping cost is higher for the companies that deliver the samples the further they have to send them. Therefore, almost all free sample offers are limited to a certain geographic region (mostly North America).

Avoid scams

Scams, fake offers, SPAM, call it what you want, the end result is the same. There are sites that claim something is free and, whether in cleverly worded fine print or outright lying, never actually send anything to anyone for free. Spotting free scams at first can be tricky, but once you learn the things to look for, it’s really just common sense. How much does the product on offer cost? If it’s more than a few dollars, it’s probably fake. There is no such thing as a free iPod or laptop. Also, check out the home page of the site offering the free sample. What business are they in? Does it make sense for your company to have samples of the product they offer? For example: If a ringtone site offers free shampoo, it’s most likely a scam. But if it’s an online cosmetics store offering small samples of their cheapest lip gloss, it’s more likely to be the real thing. Also ask yourself if the information the site is asking for makes sense. Are they saying they’re going to mail you something but not asking for your address? There are exceptions, but generally most real free samples will ask for your email address, name, mailing address, and phone number.

Avoid spam

Another thing to watch out for is spam and junk mail. Unfortunately, it’s unavoidable when trying to get gifts. Even legitimate free samples will keep you on their mailing lists long after they ship your sample. In fact, in most cases, it’s the reason they’re offering something for free in the first place. But this is easy to handle if you know how. First set up a separate email address that you will only use to request free samples. You may not provide a fake email address because you will have to click on the links in the confirmation emails before they are sent to you. Next, come up with a nickname and use it as your name when requesting gifts. The fake name is useful because it makes it easier to sort through spam and keeps your real name off annoying commercial mailing lists.

where to look

Now that you know the basics of how real free samples work, it’s time to explain how to find them. There are many different sites that serve the same purpose, finding real free samples and letting their visitors know where they are. It is important to understand that these free sites are not the part that actually offers the free samples. The websites you’ll become familiar with will actually be more like the yellow pages, making freebies easy to find. How do you find gifts for your site? Checking what the other free sites link to. What this means is that royal giveaways spread very quickly. A free site will find a sample and post a link to it. Then 2 more free sites will see that link and place one on their own site, then 4 more from there, and so on until it’s on all the free sites. There really isn’t ONE free site you should use. Rather, you should familiarize yourself with them and choose 2-3 free sites to periodically check for new samples to request. Finding these sites is as easy as doing a Google search for ‘free samples’, ‘giveaways’, ‘free stuff’, etc…

Playing the numbers game

On average, no less than 80% of the free samples you try to request will never show up for one of the reasons listed above. This means that requesting just one or two gifts won’t be enough to swing the odds in your favor. Instead, visit your favorite gift sites every day and order every new gift you see. On average, there are no more than 7-10 new freebies available daily. This may seem very slow, but there is a great trick to automating the request for free samples. All you need to do is download and install the Google Toolbar. It is virus free and will not harm your computer. Once you have installed the Google Toolbar, go to its options and then go to the “autocomplete” tab. There you will be able to type your fake name from before, your real address and your email address separately and save everything.

Then, when you’re on a website requesting that information, you just need to click the autocomplete button on the Google toolbar and the request form will be filled automatically. This means that without autofill it can take over an hour to request 10 free samples, but with that the same number of requests could take less than 5 minutes. Then it’s just a matter of setting aside 5-10 minutes every day to request each new sample you see. If you’re consistent about it, you’ll have more than enough requests to turn the odds in your favor. Then your daily visits to your mailbox will be like an exciting free sample lottery. Some days you will win and there will be a gift for you. Other days there will be nothing. But it’s always exciting and you never know what you’re in for!

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