Take inner attention; maybe, if it’s safe, close your eyes for a few seconds and breathe consciously. By that I mean being aware of the air; as you inhale and exhale, be aware of the warmth, the life force – prana, temperature, fragrances or odors; be aware of the used air that leaves your system when you exhale.
Notice which parts of your lungs are doing the breathing. Is it the top of the lungs or are you breathing deeply into the diaphragm?
Taking a full yogic breath is breathing into the lower abdomen first: the diaphragm moves down into the abdomen, drawing air into the lower part of the lungs. Then fill the upper part of the lungs: the rib cage expands and draws air into the middle part of the lungs. Finally, feel the air fill your upper chest.
Exhale, first from the abdomen, then from the rib cage, and finally from the chest; repeat several times until this type of breathing feels comfortable and natural. Both inhalation and exhalation are done through the nose.
Then move your attention to the muscles of your face; looking from within, she consciously placed a gentle smile on her face. Feel how the energy expands into the aura so that you feel complete and one with yourself.
Send yourself loving thoughts that help you relax and make you feel good about yourself.
If you notice any tension, consciously relax into it; feel how it releases, feel how your flesh and muscles relax and become whole. You can even feel the spiritual energy of the body, or the magnetic energy of the aura, creating the field that allows you to be whole and one with the underlying Universal Life Force.
Become aware of inner silence; Feel the aliveness in the silence – it is almost a feeling of angel wings fluttering as every atom of your being vibrates with Love and Joy.
Send some loving thoughts to your internal systems, thanking and praising all the parts of your body for being alive and feeling good about themselves.
Notice that your energy field feels charged with this self-love and appreciation. Then open your eyes again and notice how your perspective of the world has changed.
When you feel good and energized, the whole world seems brighter and you feel like you can achieve anything because, in a way, you are choosing to consciously create your reality with loving, positive thoughts and feeling good and emotionally happy with your Self.

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