It is a proven fact.

People do not value the things that come to them.


The same can be said of men who

making yourself too available to women

they are interested

However, it is a subtle balance. How do you persist?

with a woman and be a challenge at the same time?

It’s a question I get ALL the time.

Let me tell you a little secret:

In a woman’s mind, she has a little switch. (Nope

a real switch, it’s just a metaphor) And we call

which change the “Switch without challenge”.

If that switch ever flips, you’re pretty

much cooked. Out of the game, so to speak.

So you want to be sure you never flip it over.

There are some behaviors that do this. Any


1. Calling her at a predictable time.

If you call a woman at a predictable time like

once a day, or even once every other day, she

pick up on the pattern. She just won.

She feels that no matter what she does or says to

you will always have that security of yours

regular phone call. You are not a challenge, and

there’s no reason for her to plan and argue

with her friends on how to get you.

His conspiracy to get you = Good.

Her talking about you = Good.

She waiting for your regular call = Bad.

2. Constantly answering your calls

If you answer his call every time, then

this does two things. First of all, it shows

to her that you are VERY interested. After all,

Who consistently answers their phone these days?

Second, it shows him that you don’t have much

going on in your life and you’re probably not very

occupied. This is not attractive to her. she wants a man

that has a life of its own and is actively pursuing

their own passions.

3. Always trying to hook up with her.

Yeah, every time you talk to her, you make it a point

to try to hook up with her, she’s going out

as desperate or needy. she will feel compelled

she will feel like you want something from her.

Sometimes you should just call her on your own.

fun. Call just to pass the time when

They are driving. Call her just to tell her about

Something crazy happened to you at work.

When I say you should be a challenge, I don’t mean

that you should be an idiot. What I just want to say is

that you put value on your own life. put value on

your time. Be unpredictable, be unavailable sometimes

but when you are with her give her experiences

and moments you will never forget.

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