Machine learning has quickly become a hot topic in information technology. And, while it’s a game changer in a big way right now, it’s actually been kicking around the tech and innovation scene for a number of years now. Apple, for example, first brought Siri to light in 2011 but had begun experimenting with consumer-driven machine learning years before.

The iPhone and machine learning

Today Siri is woven into our daily experiences and while we probably overlook the sophisticated technology, the AI ​​and machine learning aspects are truly remarkable and truly ubiquitous in every aspect of our favorite virtual assistant. At its most basic level, Siri allows:

• Caller identity using emails and not just a contact list

• Swipe the screen to get a short list of apps you’re most likely to use

• A reminder of an appointment that is not on your calendar

• Maps showing the location of the hotel where you have a reservation before you ask

• Updates on where you last parked your car until where you parked your car

• Selected news stories

• Recognition of faces and locations from photos

• When to switch from using a weak Wi-Fi signal to a cellular network

• Using photos and videos to create an impromptu mini-movie

According to reports of Apple’s use of AI, the dynamic cache that allows an iPhone to learn takes up about 200 megabytes, depending on how much personal information is also stored. The system always deletes the oldest data, so there is enough storage space.

Also, search engines, including Google, use Google Now on your smartphone to process queries. For example, he knows that he is listening to a particular song when he asks, “Who is the lead singer?”

The AI-driven app revolution

That’s just one app: AI is also driving the reinvention of mobile apps as a whole. For example, AI mobile fitness apps will be able to continuously track your activities without any intervention from you. This instantly allows these apps to track every step you take and monitor your heart rate continuously.

Another fast pop-up app? Leverage AI to allow your smartphone to authenticate your identity, making passwords and PIN codes obsolete. This could be done using facial recognition or a variety of other unique identifiers.

In these use cases, the process is the same: machine learning algorithms are used on smaller screen devices. As technology expands, more and more memory and battery power are needed to perform processing. As a result, the data must be transferred to a server to allow the algorithms to work. The system always deletes the oldest data, so there is enough storage space.

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