Charlie: Today I am going to interview Norm Bettencourt, reality based street fighting instructor, who will talk about a subject that most martial artists and so called street fighters mostly avoid, and that is why you should bite when you fight. So first of all Norm, tell us about yourself and give us a little background on who you are.

Standard: Well, I’m a black belt and I run the only scenario-based self-defense training school I know of right now, so half of my training center is set up as an alleyway and the other half has an apartment, and I teach people to fight in real world situations. I also have 15 years of experience working in the security industry, from bouncing to being a bodyguard to doing regular security work.

Charlie: Well, here comes the big question: Why should one bite when they fight? Can you give us some reasons, tips or secrets why?

Standard: Safely.

First of all, biting is paramount. It is so barbaric that what happens is that it provokes a psychological response in your attacker. You see, what happens when you bite him is that he starts to freak out mentally. Why? Because he’s not wearing that kind of thing. For him, expect fists and feet in that fight. When you bite, he changes the whole mindset of that fight that’s going on.

The second: you can bite from practically any position. All you have to do is sink your teeth into the exposed skin, squeeze real hard, and you’re going to bite like a dog, and you’re going to tear that flesh apart. You can pull it. You can shake your head and rip that meat off; Whichever of these ways you choose will always be an effective technique.

the third reason why should you bite – Works on anyone, regardless of size – It doesn’t have the variable that this may or may not work. Always works! It doesn’t matter if the guy weighs 350 pounds, you bite his finger. You bite his cheek or rip his ear off and you get the same response. He lets go. He is scared. So you have the fight completely under your control. And you can take it out.

Charlie: wow! Now that we understand that if we have to, we’ll be biting a lot more and winning a lot more from now on. Thank you very much for this, Norm.

Standard: your bet

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