Well ladies (and gents), winter is over and it’s time to start shedding those dark, bulky clothes and start thinking about what we want to wear and look good during the spring and summer months. It’s time to get ready for swimsuit season. It does not matter if it is a small bikini or an attractive piece. You want to be ready and look fabulous no matter what you wear.

If you start now, you can have your swimsuit body by summer (or sooner). So how are you going to get in shape without starving yourself or spending hours exercising? Diet and exercise are good, but you don’t really need them if you just want to lose a few pounds or inches and still have a smoking tummy.

Let’s do some math. If you’ve been reading articles on my website, you know that it takes about 3,500 calories to make one pound. It’s not hard to eat 3,500 calories, but if you want to lose a pound, you need to cut those calories out of your diet. Okay, let’s say you want to lose ten pounds in two months. That’s a reasonable goal, it works out to just over a pound a week.

Anyway, ten pounds X 3,500 calories = 35,000 calories to cut. Divide those calories by 60 days, and you end up with just over 580 calories to eliminate every day. So the question is: “How do you eliminate 580 calories a day from your diet?”

So here’s the deal, if you want to get in shape quickly and easily, just make a few changes to the way you eat and be a little more active every day. Get those calories out of the foods you eat every day.

Here you will know how you can do it.

1. Eat your breakfast. A study from the University of Illinois showed that people who start the day with a high-protein breakfast consume 200 fewer calories a day than those who eat a high-carbohydrate breakfast, like the kind you get with just a bagel or toast and jam. . That protein-rich breakfast could include eggs and bacon if you like. A high-protein breakfast will fill you up for longer, boost your metabolism, and cause your body to burn more fat.

You’ve just lost two hundred calories and are almost halfway to your goal of 580 calories. What else can you do?

2. Do you drink one or two soft drinks a day? Let’s say you’re a little conservative and drink only one. Replace that soda with unsweetened iced tea or water with a squeeze of lemon. You just cut another 120 calories. You now have up to 320 calories saved. How are we doing? So far, there has been no pain, just weight loss.

But you still need to lose another 260 calories to reach your goal of 580 calories. What else can you do?

3. Pack your lunch instead of eating out. The information on the USDA website indicates that you will save about 106 calories. Probably because most people pack a lighter lunch than what you can get at a fast food place.

Now it’s up to 426 calories, but some people don’t want to pack a lunch. We still need to lose another 160 calories, so what else can you do?

4. Turn off the TV and eat at the table. According to a study published in the journal Trends in Food Science & Technology, the average distracted eater will consume a whopping 300 extra calories per meal. Distracted eaters seem to eat more food and eat for longer periods of time. Just one meal on the table could save you 300 more calories.

Okay, we save up to 726 calories every day, no pain, just weight loss. Do the math again, and you could lose over twelve pounds in two months. And you haven’t even thought about exercising or going to the gym.

5. How about you get more physical? Small changes can generate big rewards. Studies have shown that you use more calories by doing simple things like: Standing up when talking on the phone will burn about 50 calories every 20 minutes. Parking at the far end of the office or in the mall parking lot will cause you to use an extra 50 calories. Playing vigorously with your kids or pets for 30 minutes will burn another 160 calories.

That’s another 260 calories used without bread, just for weight loss. And you could cut up to 986 calories every day. That could be almost two pounds of unsightly fat every week.

You can do this? Of course he can. The fact is that if you eliminate those calories from the food you eat and burn more in your daily activities, you will lose pounds fast. Follow these five tips, get your swimsuit body fast, gain sex appeal, and boost your self-esteem at the same time.

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