English Springer Rabies Syndrome, also called Sudden Onset Aggression or Rabies Avalanche Syndrome, is a rare type of behavior problem that is known to affect certain breeds of English Springer Spaniel and Cocker Spaniel. The Rabies Syndrome causes the dog to act violently, without any kind of warning to its owner, making it a very serious problem. This article looks at some of the symptoms and possible treatments for the disease.

Studies have shown that this syndrome is more prevalent in red, gold, and black cocker spaniels, and certain lines are more likely to develop the disease. The term “Springer Rage” comes from a particular line of the English Springer Spaniel. English Springer Spaniels that are raised from show lines are known to be affected.

Veterinarians have been able to trace the line back to an English Springer Spaniel that won a show at the Westminster Kennel Club. The dog was subsequently used as a stud, causing the anger syndrome to spread throughout the breed. Purebred English Springer Spaniels are not known to develop this problem.

Symptoms include the dog acting as it normally would for a minute and, without warning or provocation, will aggressively attack another person or animal. A dog can also go into a rigid type of alert mode and be glassy-eyed before an episode occurs.

After the event occurs, the dog returns to his normal personality. You will have no idea what has happened or realize that you have done something wrong. The dog may even act friendly towards the person or animal that it just attacked.

English Springer Rage syndrome is believed to begin to appear when the dog is around seven and a half months old. It can also appear earlier, around three months or later, after one or two years. Every dog ​​is different, but it is believed to appear during one of the five learning stages that are critical for dogs.

Rabies syndrome is often confused with other types of aggressive disorders, as well as rabies, because some of the symptoms are similar. Generally, only a veterinarian who specializes in neurology will be able to provide a diagnosis of rabies syndrome. There are several ways to treat anger syndrome, such as antiepileptic drugs.

Unfortunately, every case and breed of dog affected is different, so there is nothing that will cure or better manage the disease. In some cases, owners and veterinarians have no choice but to put the affected animal to sleep. This is due to the extremely serious nature of the condition.

English Springer Rage syndrome is genetically inherited by English Springer Spaniel show dog lines. It is a serious problem that causes a dog to attack suddenly without any potential cause and with very little warning. A veterinarian who specializes in neurology will be able to diagnose the problem and help owners develop a treatment program.

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