The following fat burning commandments are my recipe for staying lean all year long. If you follow these time-tested rules, you’ll become a fat-burning machine, honing your metabolism and internal calorie-burning furnace to become more efficient at shedding that excess fat that’s been dogging you forever. These strategies are simple, easy to implement, and powerful in their results. So let’s get ready to burn!

1. Check your greed at the door. The best way to keep that metabolism at peak efficiency levels is to make sure you eat several SMALL meals throughout the day. Many people eat a skimpy breakfast, grab a quick bite at lunch, and then hit the trough at the end of the day for a big dinner, usually with a second helping and dessert too! Well no wonder, your body is starving when you get there. Oh, by the way, eating too little actually slows down your metabolism! In a nutshell, recent research from the Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology showed that eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day helps burn fat. You’ll also enjoy the fact that you won’t feel hungry when you’re eating 5 or 6 meals a day. Keep portions small and consider using a meal replacement bar or drink for one of your meals so you don’t feel like cooking food all day.

2. Combine your training. The biggest mistake I see people make at the gym is to come in every day and do the same thing. I watch people use the treadmill, put it on a brisk walk, and then walk like that for 40 to 60 minutes or more! These same people complain that they can’t lose weight… no kidding! There is no surprise there. Your body is functioning at such a low level that it’s not really burning calories efficiently. You need to mix things up. Weight train, and train on the treadmill (or whatever your favorite aerobic equipment is), but do some 60 second sprints every 5 minutes and get your heart rate up. There are literally thousands of ways to safely challenge yourself and if you have no idea where to start hire a personal trainer for a couple of sessions to give you some ideas, it’s worth every penny! By the way, research has shown that weight training is one of the best ways to increase metabolic rates.

3. Drink everything! Hydrate, but be sensitive about it. I see people all day who drink too much water. Remember, everything is bad for you at some point, even water. Filtering that much fluid puts a lot of strain on the kidneys. Moderation is key. If you are dehydrated, it will cause your body to lower its resting metabolic rate…not good for burning fat! The advice we’ve heard for quite some time now is 8 glasses of water a day. Good advice. By the way, those sports drinks are worthless unless you’re doing 90 minutes or more of intense exercise. Stay with water as nature intended. Less calories, less sugar and easier on the body.

4. Time for some protein and fiber. Remember to eat enough protein and get plenty of fiber. Both are going to help increase your metabolic rate because there is a “thermal effect” produced by the digestion of these types of foods that is much higher than a high carbohydrate meal. Yes, you need carbohydrates too, at least 130 grams a day to maintain normal brain function. Also, if you eat protein and fiber as the last meal of the day and skip carbs, research has shown that this is also more efficient at burning fat while you sleep.

5. Skip the coffee and try the green tea instead. No, I’m not trying to kill your caffeine fix. I’m not that stupid, although I think we are consuming too much. But if you’re going to get a solution, why not make it healthier? We’ve known this for some time, but green tea actually increases fat oxidation, and as a bonus, it also has good effects on building the immune system. There are many brands, but the recommendations are 200 to 300 milligrams daily.

6. Post-workout – Feed me NOW! Your body wants some fuel after you work out, and the sooner the better. Aim to fuel up within 30 minutes of vigorous exercise to keep your metabolism running high. A good way to do this is to have a protein and carbohydrate meal. Try one of the many drinks out there (just be careful about the sugar in some of them) or make a protein fruit smoothie at home. Added more; it will also help your muscles recover faster and this will help you be ready for your next workout sooner.

7. Rest please! Ok, I know that there are only 24 hours in a day. I know you’re trying to get everything done in that time and I also know you’re sacrificing sleep to do it. But sacrificing sleep is taking away from your body one of the ways to recover from all that damage you do to it every day. Recovery is essential to keep your body functioning at its most efficient levels. Sleep is critical to this process, not to mention all the benefits it has for your mental health, too. Aim for at least 8 hours of quality sleep a night and you will notice huge benefits in how your body feels and support your fat burning goals with an efficient machine.

8. The truth about alcohol. I know you don’t want to hear this… but someone has to tell the truth! Alcohol is a fat-burning enemy, even for those of you who only enjoy the weekends. Alcohol also has calories, 7 per gram, and we know it also slows metabolism. Alcohol is a powerful drug and depressant, but did you know that it can also increase fat storage in cells? I’m sorry but if you want a 6 pack then you need to lose the 6 pack in the fridge!

9. Get enough calcium. The more we learn about calcium, the more we realize that it is a true fat burning friend. This mineral is abundant in the body, and current recommendations call for getting 1,200 milligrams daily. Tasty treats like low-fat yogurt and skim milk are excellent sources of calcium. Did you also know that it helps control estrogen levels? Believe it or not, this is vital for men too! Estrogen can increase in the body from calcium and zinc deficiencies and can lead to bloating and abdominal fat.

10 Low glycemic index foods? Hey? Ok, simple stuff really, just a fancy way of saying don’t eat foods that have a high impact on your blood sugar levels. The real key to eating meals is making sure you eat a mix of lean meats and complex carbohydrates. Eating fewer processed foods, more like how nature intended us to eat, will help stabilize insulin levels. This means that you will be less likely to store fat.

Bottom line; Good nutrition isn’t hard to understand, but letting go of old habits can be daunting. Don’t try to change your world overnight. Pick one commandment a month to add to your life and within a year you’ll be running at peak efficiency and burning fat like never before.

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