Average Game Developer Salary

While there is no national average salary for game developers, there are plenty of local variations. There are several ways to find out what salary is right for you. You can look at average salaries by city. Santa Clara, CA is one of the top cities for game developers, followed by San Francisco and Fremont. Both cities beat the national average by as much as 17.2%. Additionally, Santa Clara and Fremont both have active job markets for people in this role, which indicates that the market is growing.

A recent survey by Game Developer magazine found that game developers in the US made an average salary of $85,733 annually. This is high compared to the salaries of other programmers in Canada and Europe. Depending on the experience and location, game developers in the West can expect to earn upwards of $106,000 a year. However, the average salary for game artists varies greatly depending on the studio and location. If you’re interested in this career, the average salary for video game artists is $67,628, according to Glassdoor.

average game developer salary us

A recent study by Game Developer magazine found that the average salary for game developers in the United States is $85,733 per year. This is higher than the average for programmers in Canada and Europe. Canadian game developers make on the order of $74,470 a year. In contrast, video game programmers in the U.K. earn on average $49,730. In contrast, programmers in the South earn on the low end of the scale, at $68,634.

The Average Game Developer Salary in the United States

According to ZipRecruiter, game developers can earn as much as $153,000 a year. The top earners in the United States earn around $153,000 per year. This average is based on years of experience, skill level, and region. The average game developer salary is approximately $54,000 per year. There may be regional differences in salary, but the pay range is high. The highest paid developers in the U.S. were those in the West.

The average game developer salary in the United States was $85,733 per year in 2010. This figure is higher than those in other countries, but it still lags behind the average wage in Canada. In 2010, the West was the highest-paying region for video game programmers. On the other hand, programmers in the Midwest earned an average of $71,566 a year. A video game programmer in Europe earned an annual salary of $68,636.

Game developers in the United States earn an average of $85,733 per year. Their average salary varies depending on the region, experience level, and location. Those in the West make the most, with an annual average of $76,000. In the Midwest, the average salary is only $68,636 in the South. The average salary of a video game developer is higher than that of the other regions. However, it is still a good idea to compare salaries to ensure that the salary range is right for you.

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