I can’t begin to count the number of times I’ve had my heart broken or the number of times I’ve broken the hearts of others. It seems that we have to go through many dark nights to reach that person with whom we are willing to go to the end of life. But until that happens, there’s a lot of pain and sadness: people we thought were the ones, others we desperately wanted. be the one, and a greater number that made us think that there would be never be another

However, life kept happening despite the good and the ugly. We ate, slept, worked, and managed to enjoy life even after dealing with a breakup. And once a considerable amount of time had passed, the once tumultuous relationship took on a different perspective. What had seemed like one person using the other now seemed more like a person assuming the role of need as an unconscious attempt to keep the other person close. What seemed like abandonment to one was that the other person was responsible for themselves and gave you the freedom to do the same.

There are endless reasons why a relationship fails at the moment it fails. However, you quickly blame yourself for not being what they wanted, or them for not keeping their part of the bargain, you know, the one that makes you happy. I found that I need time to heal, time to learn to get over someone who has broken my heart before I can be mature with my words. Very often, in the heat of the moment, words are spoken that diminish, hurt, and destroy any goodwill you really have for the other person. Words are like weapons that hit the heart with great force, causing emotional and psychological wounds. And what is said is no different from what is done and in many ways never can. be Undone.

So, I took some of the breakup letters over the years and compiled them into one breakup letter. These letters were the best of the best. Because? Because that’s when I began to learn that compassion was more powerful than fear and that the words I said and wrote can never be undone. She knew that there would come a day when that person would be going through her closet and would come across that letter that he had written to her a few years ago. Yes, believe it or not, people save things even if they don’t save you. Finally, I learned the importance of being gentle with my words being verses good. Yes, it hurt. Yes, my heart was broken and I couldn’t see past my nose, but most importantly, I knew that I had a responsibility above all else to be kind. Telling you what a jerk you had been would not bring you back, or how you destroyed my trust in others.

Those were break lines that I soon learned to do without. So if you’re in a place of bitterness and anger and someone has wronged you and it’s time to go but you can’t find the kind words to say, I hope you’ll use this card. Put your own spin on it, but above all, be kind. Who knows how far your kindness will travel. Maybe that person needs to hear those words one dark night. After all, we all have them. Send me the letter you would have sent if you hadn’t sent this… at least you get it out of your system, good? If you’ve been heartbroken, use this:

Thank you very much for your experience, Name. This last year has been a lesson in humility and confidence and I am happy to have taken the lessons with you. My heart is sad that things didn’t work out between us, but I know that everything happens for a reason. I’m ready to let you go so you can find everything you seek. Although I wanted you to find your home with me, I am ready to accept reality as it is. My hope for you is that you find peace and happiness even if it is not with me. I only wish you the best.

Sign your name and you’re done. If you’re breaking another’s heart, use this:

Thank you very much for your experience, Name. This last year has been a lesson in humility and confidence and I am happy to have taken the lessons with you. I’m sorry to have broken your heart in this matter, but I know that there is someone who can love you better than I am capable of right now. You deserve to be loved and I believe you will be. I only wish you the best on your journey forward.

Again, sign your name and mail or hand-deliver this letter to them so they can read it in private later. This letter is your closing letter, the period at the end of a sentence… the closing of the curtain at the end of a show… the final kiss goodbye in a metaphorical term. However, life gives us sweet surprises when we least expect it. Sometimes there is still a performance. Maybe, just maybe, your love interest just needed some time. But one thing is for sure, your chances of getting back together are much higher if you treat them with respect not only when starting the relationship but also when dating. Those last words, that breakup letter, no matter which party is sending the letter, is more important than you currently realize, so it’s important to be prepared and not leave it up to your emotional state at the time.

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