One look around our house and it’s obvious that we have a passion for greening the world. Green spaces can be city parks and boulevards, but also include community garden plots, shade plantings near buildings, and green roofs. You can even grow vines that will flower, produce food, and shade sun-drenched areas such as large windows, decks and patios, walkways, and entryways. And let’s not forget to mention the water gardens, orchards, and green roofs, too.

When we bought our first home, a repair house, we turned that abused ex-rental into a little green cabin oasis filled with trees, shrubs, flowers, and food-producing gardens. He was featured in a small local magazine and also in the local newspaper at the time. That was 11 years ago. We have since done the same with our property here as well, totally changing this house and property to the point that it is no longer recognizable to the people who rented here a dozen years ago. It was exciting that our certified wildlife habitat, bee friendly property, was featured in I Love Creston magazine a few years ago.

If you do a search online, you’ll find that we’re so passionate about it that we’ve written countless articles, hosted many dozens of radio broadcasts on the subject, been invited to do interviews sharing our tips, and more. And through all this, hoping to have inspired others to green their spaces too.

Plants do more for us than feed us and cool our homes. Evergreen shrubs, plants, and trees help mitigate climate change by absorbing pollutants like carbon dioxide and nitrous oxides, releasing clean oxygen into the air. They will also filter dust from busy roads and reduce soil erosion on farmland. They reduce UV-B rays (which cause skin cancer) and keep our vehicles from getting too hot in the summer. They protect the soil by preventing erosion and water compaction, reducing flooding, and actually creating soil throughout their life cycles.

They will also help cool the air by releasing water vapor through their leaves, protecting the plants around them from dehydration. Plants can dampen noise, reduce the heating and cooling costs of our homes, and improve the neighborhood. They attract pollinators and provide a habitat for many types of wild creatures, from insects to birds.
Did you know that communities with lots of trees and green spaces actually have less crime? Children are also less obese in these areas, because they play and participate in community group events outdoors. Plants also provide us with food annually, especially perennial trees and plants that produce crops of fruits and nuts annually. Gardens can help create stronger neighborhoods as we are more likely to connect and share bountiful harvests.

Gift-giving for birthdays, anniversaries, special holidays really hits a tight budget. By sharing pre-cooked dishes, natural products, bouquets of flowers or preserves (jams, jellies, syrups, wines, dried herbs) made from the garden, you can greatly reduce or even eliminate the costs derived from the delivery of gifts.

Here, we have noticed time and again, people walking in pairs, in family groups, alone, stopping to enjoy the experience of witnessing a busy bee, a lazy butterfly dancing on the leaves, a happy bird singing… the leaves turning and swaying in the breeze… the relaxing shade that gives people and their dogs a respite from the summer heat. Children squeal with delight at the sights and the elderly love to stop and chat, share memories and tell us about other amazing gardens they have seen on their walks. Neighbors stop by and come over to comment or ask questions.

There are many benefits to even the smallest green space: a balcony garden, a front potting area, a terrace wall garden… all contribute to making the world a better place. Gardeners, however, benefit most from their sheltered homes, reduced energy costs, improved land values, and freezers and cupboards filled each year with the food they produce. Herbs, for example, can be very expensive and can be stored frozen or dehydrated for over a year. Just a few pots on the front step can produce all the herbs you can use; if they are very happy, you will also have something to share.

For those of you who want to learn how to harvest crops from your garden, or want to take advantage of peak harvest season sales from local farmers, check out our new cookbook! – From One Small Garden – Over 300 delicious and nutritious recipes are now available on Amazon!

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