Soup has many advantages when served to older people. As we age, we are less likely to provide our bodies with the amount of nutrients needed to maintain quality of life. Our appetite changes as we age; food plays a much smaller role in our lives. We may have spent most of our lives living to eat, but as we age our priorities and desires change, and the emphasis is on eating to live. The challenge, however, is packing all the nutrients your bodies need into a package that can be eaten easily and relatively quickly. Research has shown that after about twenty minutes of eating, our brain tells us that we are full and our appetite decreases. This is great when we’re young, but for older people, the brain tells them they’ve had enough before they’re well fed; therefore, anything served to an older person should ideally be eaten within this time frame. This is the value and importance of the soup. So how do we best prepare this life-giving elixir?

You will need a good quality hand mixer or blender. They come in all shapes and sizes, depending on how much you’re making. I would always recommend making the soup when you need it, but that may not be an available option, so consider making enough to freeze as well. However, don’t rely on pre-preparing the soup, as proper digestion begins even before any food enters our mouths. The anticipation of food prepares our digestive system for the feast to come. The smells and sight of food being prepared are just as important to the process as the act of eating; That is why our mouths are watering with anticipation. That “water” in our mouth contains enzymes that are essential for the proper digestion of our food. If you’re making soup for an older person who lives in your own home, consider cooking the ingredients before you visit and then making the soup in your own kitchen. This way they get the benefit of anticipation and stimulation even before the soup is served.

The base of our soup must be the main ingredient, and the name by which our soup is called. For example, a vegetable base would give rise to a vegetable soup, including all its variants. This may sound pretty obvious, but when making soup there is a danger of stacking unrelated foods together, which will ultimately lead to a lot of confusion, something even the youngest eater would have trouble with; There has to be order and a theme present in the soup, otherwise the meals will be very same and boring. here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind.

  • When vegetables are mixed together, they tend to make a fairly thick soup. However, there is a danger that the fiber and liquid will separate. By adding oatmeal, the soup stays creamy and has the added bonus of including helpful soluble fiber
  • There are many ways to make a more varied vegetable soup. Try adding grated cheese, or it can be cream. This would make the soup a good source of calcium and protein, as well as fiber and vitamins.
  • Beer and cheese soup is a brilliant and very different variation. I’m not sure what it’s called in your country, but here in the UK the best beer to use is Stout. It is loaded with B vitamins and essential minerals. It’s easy too. Simply boil the beer to remove the alcohol, let it cool, then add some processed cheese. Know that in the United States this cheese is called “Cheese Whizz”. In the UK a similar cheese would be Dairylea or Primular. Just stir it into the beer, season, and then serve. Another excellent source of protein and calcium.
  • I don’t like to use meat in a smoothie blended soup. The texture is not correct, I don’t think so. If you want a meat-based soup, I would recommend using broth as a base and adding other things like tomatoes or mushrooms, or even potatoes, to give the soup body and shape.
  • Another great soup, especially if the older person has intestinal problems, is Pea Soup. Cook a bag of frozen peas until very tender. Blend with vegetable broth and seasonings, until the desired consistency is obtained. An excellent source of fiber!

There are countless different and interesting things you can do with a humble bowl of soup. Try experimenting with different ingredients and different combinations. It is fun; and excellent nutrition for those you care for.

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