There are many reasons why people use Google Places for their businesses. The main one is that it will help your customers find you much easier, while also providing reviews from past customers. However, it is also important to consider the disadvantages of this.

The benefits of Google Places

As stated, customers will be able to find you much easier. All of your content is placed on one page, which acts as a business card. Everything a customer would need to know, including the address, phone number, and website address, is included on the page. Customers don’t have to search all over the internet for you.

They will be able to see if you are local to them. Using localization aids with local SEO and will make you engage with them more; you are exactly what they are looking for.

You will also gain by not having to pay for the listing. Google Places is completely free to use and you can keep your page active for as long as you want and need. It works just like the Yellow Pages and other “phone books.”

It will be linked to Google Maps, which will be visible on your landing page. This helps people know exactly where you are and helps them determine what is near you. They are more likely to go looking for you, rather than looking for something closer to them and spending a little more money.

The Disadvantages of Google Places

The main drawback is the fact that you will still have to work on SEO. Keywords are still important in order to rank in search engines and you will still need a website to help with that. In fact, you need a website to work well – the landing page won’t help with everything.

It also takes time to set up the page and can be tricky the first time. You will have to work on putting it all together and do it when you have time. Rushing will mean missing something and possibly putting the list in the wrong category.

Reviews are left on the site, which can damage its credibility and reliability. People can write whatever they want and there are spammers out there. You will have a harder job of taking care of your page and cleaning up reviews than if you just had your own website.

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