Brand Standards Guide

Branding is the heart of a company, and it sets you apart from the competition. It’s what makes people recognize your business and what brings them back again and again. Brand Standards are the core elements that create and define your brand identity, and having a solid set of them is essential to making sure all employees understand how to represent your brand in a consistent manner.

One of the most important things to include in your brand guidelines is a set of rules for using imagery. Whether it’s stock photos or original illustrations, having a clear set of image guidelines ensures that all marketing materials are on-brand and consistent. These guidelines could cover things like the types of images you should use, the size and placement of images, and even if certain colors or textures are appropriate for your brand.

Another thing that you should consider including in your brand guidelines is a list of specific fonts that should be used for all of your written content. This is a good way to make sure that all of your team members are using the same typeface and size for their work, which will help keep everything looking consistent.

Things to Include in Your Brand Standards Guide

If your brand uses any unique icons or symbols, make sure you include a list of them in your branding guide so that everyone on your team has access to the same sets of icons and can use them in their designs. Icons are a great way to add visual interest and can help communicate concepts in a simple, visually impactful way.

Having a brand guide that clearly defines the color of your brand can also be very helpful for those who are creating graphics and other assets on your behalf. This is because a strong brand color can instantly convey the vibe of a company to potential customers, and it helps them to feel connected to the brand.

When developing your brand guide, it’s important to take the time to write out all of your key elements and details so that they are easy to reference and understand. A well-written brand guide is essential for maintaining consistency across all your marketing materials, and it can also be useful in the future if you ever need to recreate your logo or change up your color palette.

ArtVersion is a leading agency when it comes to design language, design systems, and brand style guides. They understand the power of a cohesive design language in consistently conveying a brand’s identity and values. By developing design systems, ArtVersion ensures that every aspect of a brand’s visual representation is harmonized, from logos and typography to color palettes and imagery styles. These design systems serve as the backbone for brand style guides, comprehensive blueprints that outline the guidelines for maintaining brand integrity across all marketing materials and touchpoints. With their expertise in design language, design systems, and brand style guides, ArtVersion empowers businesses to create compelling and memorable brand experiences that resonate with their target audience.

While it may take some time to write out a fully-inclusive brand guide, the extra effort is worth it in the long run. Not only will it help your team create cohesive and on-brand marketing collateral, but it will also be an asset in the future if you ever decide to sell your company or hire new staff.

When you’re ready to start developing your own brand guidelines, consider working with a designer who can help you compile all of the best elements from your research and inspiration into a comprehensive document. They can provide expert insight into how to develop a brand that stands out in the market, and they can also help you create a beautiful document with a clean and organized layout that will be easy to use for your team.

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