Puppy potty training is one of those times when you will be able to give your pup a treat that he truly deserves and loves. Now, most people will want their pup to potty train outside fairly quickly. However, some mistakes can be made that won’t help your pup become potty trained quickly. Some of them are that you are rushing your dog, not paying attention to your dog’s behavior when you tell him he has to go to the bathroom, or just not taking your pup to the right place for him on his hard drive.

First, I’ll cover some of the mistakes people frequently make while potty training their puppies. The first one I’ll go over is trying to get the puppy up to speed while he decides to go potty. Yes, I understand that some of you may well say that he is snowing or raining, or cold. However, you must remember that your pup is wearing a fur coat. He will not like to be rushed and if you rush him while you are potty training your puppy, he will just keep him from coming out and you will have an accident in your house.

The next problem people can run into when trying to potty train their puppy is that you’re not paying attention. Now, just like your kids or any other animal you’re potty training, you’ll learn subtle cues from them that they need to go potty. Now take your kids as an example, they will usually come up to you and tell you they have to pee or they have to go to the bathroom. I know my son does that to me constantly now and has just started potty training. However, his dog will not be able to run up to you and tell you in words. Some dogs may bark at you, kick you, or just stare at you. Now, these are all signs your puppy is giving you that he needs to come out. One thing I did for my little puppy is I put bells that hang low enough on the back door that he can touch them and make them ring so I know he has to get out. This could work for you and your pup.

One of the issues that took me the longest to solve while potty training my puppy was finding the right spot. Now, this may seem a bit strange to you, but based on my experience potty training my puppies, they all seemed to gravitate towards a certain place to go potty. Each of my pups, while potty training, would go to a different spot in the yard, which made it a little difficult, but at the same time, once they found that spot in the yard, they went there every time. So you may have to walk your dog all over the garden before he finally finds that spot. That way, if he’s in a hurry and close to being potty trained completely, you’ll have a great idea of ​​where to take him. I know that my dogs when I get to the place they normally use they go to the bathroom immediately.

Now think about how you can easily potty train your puppy. Potty training a puppy usually requires a set routine for feeding and walking, this will help your dog get used to when he needs to go potty and will help if he works all day or night. Another method you can use is crate training, which will help prevent accidents because most dogs don’t like to go to the bathroom in an area where they sleep. Some of the other methods are letting them circle around you on a leash, lots of patience is important. Remember that your puppy while potty training is just a baby so accidents will happen and when trying not to get mad at your puppy, remember that they are just potty training.

So the first method I’ll cover for successful potty training your puppy is to set a schedule. Now, just like at work, we have a set time to be at work, your pup will need a set time to go potty. Remember that your puppy will need a schedule while he is potty training that he can get used to. Another key point to remember is that while you are potty training your dog, you should continue to potty train your dog so that he becomes familiar with the training.

Another way to handle potty training your dog is with the use of a crate. Some people may view crate training as cruel because their puppy is put in a crate while he is at this stage. However, I must say that crate training saved me an enormous amount of time. Crate training is great for potty training because most dogs don’t like to go to the bathroom near where they sleep. Crate training will not only give your pup a safe place to go when the stresses of life are hard for him to handle at the time.

One method that I actually found by accident was to let my dog ​​circle me while I was on his leash. Now you could say that you will get tangled up while he is spinning you, which can happen if you are not paying attention. However, most of us will notice when we are wrapped in a leash. Now I found this method to be quite effective at first I couldn’t figure out what my dog ​​was doing but then I remembered he was potty training and let him do whatever he wants. So I let him circle around me several times and found that he went to the bathroom very fast because he found a place to do it faster.

However, the most important thing with your puppy while potty training is to be patient. Patience for when you have accidents and want to yell and scold. Patience as he tries to find his place in the garden and you get soaked or frostbitten will help build his confidence in potty training. Patience while potty training is key because your dog will feel the stress you have while potty training and will become nervous about potty training. So remember that the key to any potty training is patience. This applies to your children, dogs, cats, and any animals you may have.

The methods I suggested for crate training, paying attention to my puppy while potty training him, putting my puppy on a potty training schedule, and having a lot of patience led my puppy to potty training. . However, if I didn’t use these methods, I’m sure my pup wouldn’t be as well potty trained as he is now. I also know for a fact that if I don’t pay attention to my puppy while he is potty training, rush him, or don’t let him find “his” place in the yard, he won’t be potty trained. Hopefully your pup will be potty trained soon so you too can enjoy a long and healthy life with a fully potty trained pup!

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