When was the last time you heard a good story? Do you know a story that left you full of wonder, joy and a big smile on your face?

They instantly caught you, beat you up on the spot, and completely entertained you.

It is always a pleasure to be surrounded by people who know how to tell a good story.

Storytelling has been around for centuries. In the early days of Christianity, Jesus told stories called parables to share advice, inspiration, and help spread “the word of God.”

My grandfather always told stories of his adventures during his youth. One of my favorite teachers in elementary school always had great stories that made learning so much more fun.

Stories make your marketing sing

Did you know that good storytelling also has a place at the marketing table? Yes. And it’s no surprise that great marketing and great storytelling go hand in hand.

Boost your marketing by sharing stories about your product, company or any item related to the market.

Great writers (and street vendors) are always great storytellers. And if you want to up your game as a successful salesperson, then learn how to tell a good story.

Here’s why stories matter

First, stories increase your credibility. Think about it: Before you can tell a good story, you need to know what you’re doing. You are instantly more believable when your experience is highlighted in a story.

Confidence. Credibility and trust go hand in hand. And when we hear a good story, we naturally make a connection to our own situations. This also shortens the time period for the construction report. And you know about doing business with people we like and trust.

bust through sales resistance. We hate when they run out. But we like to hear (or read) a good story.

It is beyond the scope of this article to show you how to write a good story. But know that learning how to write (or tell) a good story is worth sweating your skull.

Google is your friend. Just search for “how to write a good story”. Then follow some of the suggestions.

You can also check out some good books on the subject. Some examples are “How to Write a Damn Good Novel” by Jim Frey and “The Man and the Myths of Him” ​​by Carl Jung.

Unless you live in a cave, you know at least one or two good storytellers. The next time you’re around them, pay attention to how they structure their stories. Listen as they begin their story. Hear how they deliver the auction.

Keep a journal of your daily events. At the end of the day, write down the good, bad, and ugly things that happen in your life.

According to master copywriter and storyteller John Carlton, “In fact, it’s the ‘setup’ part of telling a story that trips up most people. Consider the classic gag story ‘two ducks walk into a bar.’ Is it important that it is a bar and not a library?

Two ducks walk into a bar. That’s enough. Move on to the next act: the interaction with the bartender. The third act is the auction.”

And another great resource is to check out Carlton’s blog for more information. priceless things there!

The idea is to learn the basics and go into action… where you start writing your own stories. Try this out in your next marketing piece and see the results. It may take a couple of times to get it done, but I’m sure you’ll see good results.

My best wishes,

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